Exercise - Add event handlers


Now update your application to add an event handler for a newly created button on your form. The button will toggle the booking.completed flag to update the display.

Add the function

Start by adding to the Vue application:

  1. In Visual Studio Code, open the index.js file.

  2. On the line after the TODO: Add methods comment, add the following code to create the bookCabin function. This function is the event handler.

    // TODO: Add methods
    methods: {
        bookCabin() {
            this.booking.completed = true;

    Notice that this is bound to your current application. It provides access to the booking object from the data.

Add the button to the form

Now add the button to your form:

  1. In Visual Studio Code, open the index.html file.

  2. On the line after the TODO: Add button later comment, add the following HTML to create your button.

    <!--TODO: Add button later -->
    <button class="button" type="button" @click="bookCabin">Book now!</button>

    Notice the @click attribute is bound to the bookCabin function you created earlier.

Test the page

Now you get to test your updated page!

  1. Save all files by selecting File > Save all.
  2. Open the command palette by selecting Ctrl+Shift+P. On a Mac, select Cmd+Shift+P.
  3. Ensure Live Server is running by typing Live Server and then selecting Live Server: Open with Live Server.
  4. Open a browser and go to http://localhost:5500. The page now displays a button.
  5. Fill out the form and select the button. Notice that the form disappears from the page.

You've now configured an event handler in Vue.