Use a custom multi-factor authentication provider via an API during PAM role activation or in SSPR

MIM customers have two options for multi-factor authentication in the SSPR and PAM scenarios:

  • Use a custom one-time-password delivery provider, which is applicable only in the MIM SSPR scenario and documented in guide to Configure Self-Service Password Reset with OTP SMS Gate
  • Use a custom multi-factor authentication telephony provider. This is applicable in both the MIM SSPR and PAM scenarios, described in this article

This article outlines how to use MIM with a custom multi-factor authentication provider, via an API and an integration SDK developed by the customer.


In order to use a custom multi-factor authentication provider API with MIM, you need:

  • Phone numbers for all candidate users
  • MIM hotfix or later - see version history for announcements
  • MIM Service configured for SSPR or PAM

Approach using custom multi-factor authentication code

Step 1: Ensure MIM Service is at version or later

Download and install MIM hotfix or a later version.

Step 2: Create a DLL which implements the IPhoneServiceProvider interface

The DLL must include a class, which implements three methods:

  • InitiateCall: The MIM Service will invoke this method. The service passes the phone number and request ID as parameters. The method must return a PhoneCallStatus value of Pending, Success or Failed.
  • GetCallStatus: If an earlier call to initiateCall returned Pending, the MIM Service will invoke this method. This method also returns PhoneCallStatus value of Pending, Success or Failed.
  • GetFailureMessage: If a previous invocation of InitiateCall or GetCallStatus returned Failed, the MIM Service will invoke this method. This method returns a diagnostic message.

The implementations of these methods must be thread safe, and furthermore the implementation of the GetCallStatus and GetFailureMessage must not assume that they'll be called by the same thread as an earlier call to InitiateCall.

Store the DLL in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager\2010\Service\ directory.

Sample code, which can be compiled using Visual Studio 2010 or later.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.IdentityManagement.PhoneServiceProvider;

namespace CustomPhoneGate
    public class CustomPhoneGate: IPhoneServiceProvider
        string path = @"c:\Test\phone.txt";
        public PhoneCallStatus GetCallStatus(string callId)
            int res = 2;
            foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(path))
                var info = line.Split(new char[] { ';' });
                if (string.Compare(info[0], callId) == 0)
                    if (info.Length > 2)
                        bool b = Int32.TryParse(info[2], out res);
                        if (!b)
                            res = 2;
                case 0:
                    return PhoneCallStatus.Pending;
                case 1:
                    return PhoneCallStatus.Success;
                case 2:
                    return PhoneCallStatus.Failed;
                    return PhoneCallStatus.Failed;
        public string GetFailureMessage(string callId)
            string res = "Call ID is not found";
            foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(path))
                var info = line.Split(new char[] { ';' });
                if (string.Compare(info[0], callId) == 0)
                    if (info.Length > 2)
                        res = info[3];
                        res = "Description is not found";
            return res;            
        public PhoneCallStatus InitiateCall(string phoneNumber, Guid requestId, Dictionary<string,object> deliveryAttributes)
            // Here should be some logic for performing voice call
            // For testing purposes we just write details in file             
            string info = string.Format("{0};{1};{2};{3}", requestId, phoneNumber, 0, string.Empty);
            using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path))
            return PhoneCallStatus.Pending;    

Step 3: Save the existing MfaSettings

Back up the MfaSettings.xml located in the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager\2010\Service" folder.

Step 4: Edit the MfaSettings.xml file

Update or clear the following lines:

  • Remove/Clear all configuration entries lines

  • Update or add the following lines to the following to MfaSettings.xml with your custom phone provider
    <CustomPhoneProvider>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager\2010\Service\CustomPhoneGate.dll</CustomPhoneProvider>

Step 5: Restart MIM Service

After the service has restarted, use SSPR and/or PAM to validate functionality with the custom identity provider.


To revert setting replace MfaSettings.xml with your backup file in step 3

Next Steps