Activity Feed XML Example

The XML example in this topic is an activity feed XML string returned to the Outlook Social Connector (OSC) after it calls the ISocialSession2::GetActivitiesEx method for a social network.

The example shows the activityFeed XML that contains the following four activities, each delimited by the activityDetails element and matching a template for display purposes:

  • A profile picture update by Melissa Macbeth, whose ownerID on the social network is 4667647. This activity specifies three template variables of type publisherVariable, listVariable, and pictureVariable (which is enclosed in listVariable). These variables specify the person who published the activity feed item, and information for the picture to be updated (by using the name, value, altText, and href child elements of pictureVariable).

  • A profile picture update by Michael Affronti whose ownerID on the social network is 5015012. Similar to the last activity, this activity specifies three template variables of type publisherVariable, listVariable, and pictureVariable. These variables specify the person who published the activity feed item and information for the picture to be updated.

  • A status update by Michael Affronti, showing the same ownerID of 5015012 as the last activity. This activity specifies two template variables of type publisherVariable and textVariable. publisherVariable specifies the person who published the activity feed item, and textVariable includes a value of the status line is hiking on Mount Rainier this weekend!

  • A blog post by Michael Affronti, showing the same ownerID of 5015012 as the last two activities. This activity specifies two template variables of type publisherVariable and linkVariable. publisherVariable specifies the person who published the activity feed item, and linkVariable includes further information (specified by the name, text, and value child elements of linkVariable) about the blog post.

Each of the four activities specifies a templateID value, which matches one of the three templates specified by the templates element. Each template is in its own activityTemplateContainer element, identified by a templateID value that is also used to display an activity that has the same templateID value.

For a detailed description of the XML elements used in the example, see the following topics:

XML example

The following example shows the activityFeed XML of four activities: two profile picture updates, a status update, and a blog post. The XML also specifies three activity display templates for displaying the corresponding activities.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<activityFeed xmlns="">
        <templateVariable type="publisherVariable">
          <nameHint>Melissa Macbeth</nameHint>
        <templateVariable type="listVariable">
            <simpleTemplateVariable type="pictureVariable">
              <altText>Melissa Macbeth</altText>
        <templateVariable type="publisherVariable">
          <nameHint>Michael Affronti</nameHint>
        <templateVariable type="listVariable">
            <simpleTemplateVariable type="pictureVariable">
              <altText>Michael Affronti</altText>
        <templateVariable type="publisherVariable">
          <nameHint>Michael Affronti</nameHint>
        <templateVariable type="textVariable">
          <value>is hiking on Mount Rainier this weekend!</value>
        <templateVariable type="publisherVariable">
          <nameHint>Michael Affronti</nameHint>
        <templateVariable type="linkVariable">
          <text>Connect your Inbox to Facebook and Windows Live with the Outlook Social Connector</text>
        <title>{publisher:Publisher} has a new profile photo: </title>
        <type>Status Update</type>
        <title>{publisher:Publisher}: {text:statusText}</title>
        <title>{publisher:Publisher} wrote a new blog post {link:blogPost}</title>

See also