
The RecordSet is a complex type that is output by all the protocol operations. The RecordSet is specified by the Result element of the ServiceResult complex type (section

The following ABNF references types specified by section 2.2 and applies to the RecordSet, unless extended or overridden by an operation specification.

 RecordSet = json-object
 Values = json-quotation-mark "Values" json-quotation-mark json-name-separator JsonArrayOfArrayOfAnyType
 Localized = json-quotation-mark "Localized" json-quotation-mark json-name-separator JsonArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfString
 Paging = json-quotation-mark "Paging" json-quotation-mark json-name-separator PagingInfo
 Fields = json-quotation-mark "Fields" json-quotation-mark json-name-separator json-begin-array [FieldSchema *( json-value-separator FieldSchema) ] json-end-array
 FormatInfos = json-quotation-mark "FormatInfos" json-quotation-mark json-name-separator json-begin-array [FormatInfo *( json-value-separator FormatInfo) ] json-end-array
 AutoSumValues = json-quotation-mark "AutoSumValues" json-quotation-mark json-name-separator JsonArrayOfAnyType
 CurrentUserPermissions = json-quotation-mark "CurrentUserPermissions" json-quotation-mark json-name-separator CurrentUserPermissions
 RelatedFieldInfos = json-quotation-mark "RelatedFieldInfos" json-quotation-mark json-name-separator json-begin-array [FieldSchema *( json-value-separator FieldSchema) ] json-end-array

RecordSet MUST contain at least one json-member instance from the following json-member instances. All json-member instances MUST be unique.

Values: A JsonArrayOfArrayOfAnyType (section 2.2) that specifies a record array. Each record is an array of values for the fields (3). Each field value at an ordinal in a record array is the value of the FieldSchema (section at the same ordinal in the Fields array RecordSet, returned in the Result element of the ServiceResult element from a previous call to the GetData operation (section MUST be present.

Localized: A JsonArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfString (section 2.2) that specifies the formatted value for each value in the Values array at the same ordial in the FormatInfos element in SharedDataBaseInfo (section MUST be present.

Paging: A PagingInfo, as specified by section MUST be present.

Fields: A json-array of FieldSchema ([MS-ADR] section that specifies the schema of the fields of the Source (section 3.1.1), which is specified by the SelectCommand of the SharedDataBaseInfo complex type (section MUST be present.

FormatInfos: A json-array of FormatInfo (section that specifies the format information for the fields in the Source. MUST be present.

AutoSumValues: A JsonArrayOfAnyType (section 2.2) that specifies the results of aggregate functions, which are specified by the AutoSumFunctions of the SharedDataBaseInfo complex type (section, when applied to the fields specified by the AutoSumFields of the SharedDatabaseInfo.

CurrentUserPermissions: A CurrentUserPermissions (section that specifies the permissions the user has for the database application.

RelatedFieldInfos: A json-array of FieldSchema ([MS-ADR] section that specifies the schema of the related fields of the Source (section 3.1.1), which is specified by the SelectCommand of the SharedDataBaseInfo complex type (section