1.1 Glossary

This document uses the following terms:

access model: A protocol that specifies how communication is handled between different features in a server system with respect to how user requests for resources are authorized.

active cell: The cell that is currently selected in a worksheet.

active sheet: The sheet that is currently selected.

alert: A message that is passed to a protocol client to notify it when specific criteria are met.

ancestor: A PivotTable member that is above the current PivotTable member in a hierarchy.

anonymous user: A user who presents no credentials when identifying himself or herself. The process for determining an anonymous user can differ based on the authentication protocol, and the documentation for the relevant authentication protocol should be consulted.

ascending order: A sort order in which text strings are arranged in alphabetical order, numerical values are arranged from smallest to largest, and dates and times are arranged from oldest to newest.

AutoFilter: A mechanism that can be used to filter tabular data based on user-defined criteria such as values, strings, and formatting.

AutoFilter item: A value that is used to populate an AutoFilter.

border: A line that can be applied to the outer edge of a cell, shape, object, or chart element. A border can be variously formatted for style, color, and thickness.

border formatting: A set of properties that, as a whole, specify the appearance of a border, such as color, line style, and thickness.

border style: See border formatting.

border thickness: A property of a border that specifies how thick a border line is drawn.

bottom N filter: A filter that matches the smallest numerical values or oldest time and date values in a specified range.

bottom N filter by count: A type of bottom N filter that matches the N smallest numerical values or the N oldest time and date values.

bottom N filter by percent: A type of bottom N filter that matches the N percent smallest numerical values or the N percent oldest time and date values.

bottom N filter by sum: A type of bottom N filter that matches the smallest numerical values or the oldest time and date values whose sum is equal to or greater than N.

calculate: The process by which computations in a workbook are performed.

caption: One or more characters that can be used as a label for display purposes or as an identifier.

CDATA section: A section in an XML document that is bracketed by [!CDATA[ and ]] characters. All data in this section, including markup tags, is treated as normal characters by an XML parser.

cell contents: The data inside a cell, such as text, values, formulas, and cell error values.

cell error value: Any of a number of special values that are returned as a result of an unsuccessful formula calculation.

cell formatting: The set of properties that, as a whole, specify the appearance of a cell, such as font characteristics and fill color.

child: An object that is immediately below the current object in a hierarchy.

child PivotTable member: A PivotTable member that is one level lower in a dimension hierarchy, relative to another PivotTable member, which is referred to as its parent member. For example, a child of a Year member might be Quarter.

clear all state: A condition in which no filter is applied to a worksheet, list, or PivotTable report.

collapsed outline state: A state in which the content that is nested within an outline is not displayed.

color stop: A color at a specific position in a color gradient.

column: (1) See field.

(2) A single set of data that is displayed vertically in a worksheet or a table.

column field: A field that is contained in the PivotTable area where the column (2) values are shown.

compact axis: A state in which PivotTable members from different levels in a hierarchy are displayed in a single column (2).

confirmation: A message that asks a user to verify an action before the user performs it.

connected data: Data that is stored in the same workbook from which it is being referenced, or data that is stored in a database repository.

connection: A link that two physical machines or applications share to pass data back and forth.

control button: A button in the user interface.

credential: Previously established, authentication data that is used by a security principal to establish its own identity. When used in reference to the Netlogon Protocol, it is the data that is stored in the NETLOGON_CREDENTIAL structure.

cube: A set of data that is organized and summarized into a multidimensional structure that is defined by a set of dimensions and measures.

custom filter: A filter that contains preconfigured expressions in which users can optionally enter a string to filter data.

custom label filter: A custom filter that is applied to string labels for data.

custom value filter: A custom filter that is applied to the numerical values of data.

data bar: A graphical representation of cell content as a bar graph.

data connection: A collection of information, such as the type and location, that defines how to connect to an external data source, such as a database, web service, SharePoint list, or XML file.

data culture: The language that is used to specify number formatting for data.

data provider: A known data source that is specific to a target type and that provides data to a collector type.

default column: The column (2) that is used if no column is specified.

default filter value: The filter value that is used if no filter is specified.

default font face color: The font face color that is applied to a cell if no font face color is specified.

default row: The row that is used if no row is specified.

default sheet: The sheet that is displayed if no sheet is specified.

default sheet tab color: The color that is used for a worksheet tab if no color is specified.

delegation: A model of communication between server components in which the caller can make requests on behalf of a user by passing a service ticket that was retrieved for that user.

descendant: A member that is below the current member in a hierarchy.

descending order: A sort order in which text strings are arranged in reverse alphabetical order, numerical values are arranged from largest to smallest, and dates and times are arranged from newest to oldest.

dimension: A structural attribute of a cube, which is an organized hierarchy of categories (levels) that describe data in a fact table. These categories typically describe a similar set of members upon which the user bases an analysis.

drill indicator: A symbol that indicates whether a PivotTable member can be expanded or collapsed.

expand: The process of opening a level in a dimension hierarchy on a PivotTable report to view data from lower levels in the user interface.

expanded outline state: A state in which nested content within an outline is displayed.

expire: A process in which an object, such as an external data connection, becomes invalid because its allotted time period has ended.

external data: Data that is stored in a repository outside a workbook.

fallback data culture: A data culture that is selected through an algorithm as a substitute for a data culture that is not installed or is otherwise unavailable.

fallback UI culture: A user interface (UI) culture that is selected through an algorithm as a substitute for a UI culture that is not installed or is otherwise unavailable.

fill color: A color that is used to fill the background of a cell, shape, or chart element.

filter: A mechanism by which a set of data is scoped to display only those entries that meet specified logical criteria.

filtering control: A user interface element that contains the filter functions of a PivotTable report.

filtering state: A setting that indicates whether a filter value or filter date value is included as part of the criteria that is used to define the filter for an AutoFilter.

flow: The direction in which text in a cell is rendered.

font face color: A property of a cell that specifies the color that is used to render a font.

font face decoration: Any of the set of font properties that specify how to render a font, such as italics and underline.

formula: A logical equation or function that produces a result in a spreadsheet application.

gradient fill: A type of fill that applies gradient formatting to the background of a cell or an object.

gridline: A line that is drawn on a worksheet or table for use as a visual aid to distinguish between cells.

group: A process of combining similar elements into a set in accordance with logical criteria. It is frequently used to combine sets of data from Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) databases or PivotTable reports.

grow: The process of increasing the number of rows or columns (2) in a PivotTable report.

Help topic identifier: A unique identifier for an article that contains Help content.

hidden: A condition of an object that prevents it from being displayed in rendered output.

hidden row: A row that does not appear in a worksheet view because its height is set to "0" (zero). A row can be hidden if the data is filtered or an outline is collapsed.

hierarchy: A logical tree structure that organizes the members of a dimension such that each member has one parent member and zero or more child members.

horizontal indent: An indent that is used in a cell to adjust cell content horizontally.

horizontal text: Text that is rendered horizontally in a cell.

host data language: The data culture of a site.

hyperlink: A relationship between two anchors, as described in [RFC1866].

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): An application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the World Wide Web.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS): An extension of HTTP that securely encrypts and decrypts web page requests. In some older protocols, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer" is still used (Secure Sockets Layer has been deprecated). For more information, see [SSL3] and [RFC5246].

item: A unit of content that can be indexed and searched by a search application.

key performance indicator (KPI): A predefined measure that is used to track performance against a strategic goal, objective, plan, initiative, or business process. A visual cue is frequently used to communicate performance against the measure.

left-to-right: A reading order in which characters in words are read from left to right, and words are read from left to right in sentences.

level: A relative position in a hierarchy of data. A level is frequently used when describing how to navigate a hierarchy in an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database or a PivotTable report.

list: An organization of a region of cells into a tabular structure in a workbook.

login name: A string that is used to identify a user or entity to an operating system, directory service, or distributed system. For example, in Windows-integrated authentication, a login name uses the form "DOMAIN\username".

manual filter: A filter that lets users select a set of individual data items or dimension hierarchies by using a user interface that displays levels from the hierarchies.

member property: An attribute on a data item within a specific dimension in an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database.

merged cell: A single cell that is created by combining two or more adjacent cells.

merged range: A range that contains one or more merged cells.

named object: A list, PivotTable report, chart, or range that can be referenced by name. A sheet is not a type of named object.

named object view: A mode in which only named objects are rendered.

native PivotTable: A PivotTable report that is populated with data from a worksheet in the same workbook.

navigation operation: An operation that changes a webpage when users use the navigation controls in a web browser.

number format: A property of a cell or other type of object that determines how numerical data is displayed or interpreted. For example, a currency number format affixes the proper currency symbol to the number.

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): A technology that uses multidimensional structures to provide access to data for analysis. The source data for OLAP is stored in data warehouses in a relational database. See also cube.

Open Item permission: An authorization that enables users to retrieve an entire file.

outline: A nested grouping of rows or columns (2) that are in a worksheet.

outline collapse: A process in which rows or columns (2) of an outline are made invisible.

outline expand: A process in which rows or columns (2) of an outline are made visible.

outline level: A type of paragraph formatting that can be used to assign a hierarchical level, Level 1 through Level 9, to paragraphs in a document. After outline levels are assigned, an outline of a document can be viewed by using Outline view, the document map, or the navigation pane.

outline state: A setting that specifies whether an outline is currently outline expanded or outline collapsed.

page field parameter: A PivotTable page field that is also a workbook parameter.

pattern color: The color of the background pattern that is specified for a cell.

pattern fill: A state of a cell in which a background pattern is specified.

pattern mask: Any of the set of patterns that specify a design for the background of a cell.

patterned overlay mask: See pattern mask.

permission: A rule that is associated with an object and that regulates which users can gain access to the object and in what manner. See also rights.

PivotTable: An interactive table that summarizes large amounts of data from various sources by using format and calculation methods. Row and column headings can be rotated to view different summaries of the source data, filter the data, or display detail data for specific areas.

PivotTable data field: A PivotTable field that is contained in the PivotTable area where data values are shown.

PivotTable filter parameter: The value that a filter on a PivotTable report is set to, which indicates that matching values are included in the result set.

PivotTable member: An individual data item within a specific dimension as it is displayed in a PivotTable report. For example, a member in the Geography dimension might be North America.

pixel: A discrete unit of display on a computer display device.

point: A unit of measurement for fonts and spacing. A point is equal to 1/72 of an inch.

published: A condition of portions of a workbook that are marked as being available to the user when that workbook is processed by a protocol server.

published item: A specific named object that is in a published workbook.

published range: A specific type of published item that represents a range of cells.

published sheet: A sheet (2) that is published.

query: A formalized instruction to a data source to either extract data or perform a specified action. A query can be in the form of a query expression, a method-based query, or a combination of the two. The data source can be in different forms, such as a relational database, XML document, or in-memory object. See also search query.

R1C1 notation: A notation that is used to specify a row and column (2) of cells in a workbook, as described in [ECMA-376] and [ISO/IEC-29500:2008].

range: An addressable region that is in a workbook. A range typically consists of zero or more cells and represents a single, contiguous rectangle of cells on a single sheet.

reading order: The positioning of characters in words and the positioning of words in sentences. This can be left-to-right or right-to-left.

refresh: A process that retrieves values from a data source and populates a workbook with those values.

rich text: Text that is formatted in the Rich Text Format, as described in [MSFT-RTF].

right-to-left: A reading and display order that is optimized for right-to-left languages.

row: (1) A collection of columns (1) that contains property values that describe a single item in a set of items that match the restriction specified in a query.

(2) A single set of data that is displayed horizontally in a worksheet or a table.

search down: A process of searching for information by ascending row and column numbers.

search up: A process of searching for information by descending row and column numbers.

security identifier (SID): An identifier for security principals that is used to identify an account or a group. Conceptually, the SID is composed of an account authority portion (typically a domain) and a smaller integer representing an identity relative to the account authority, termed the relative identifier (RID). The SID format is specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.2; a string representation of SIDs is specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.2 and [MS-AZOD] section

selected: The condition of a set of items that has focus in a workbook.

session: (1) A unidirectional communication channel for a stream of messages that are addressed to one or more destinations. A destination is specified by a resource URL, an identity URL, and a device URL. More than one session can be multiplexed over a single connection.

(2) A representation of application data in system memory. It is used to maintain state for application data that is being manipulated or monitored on a protocol server by a user.

session identifier: (1) A unique string that is used to identify a specific instance of session data and is used by stored procedures as an opaque primary key.

(2) A key that enables an application to make reference to a session.

session view: The rendering of the contents of a workbook that is associated with a specific session.

sheet: (1) A part of an Excel workbook. There are four types of sheets: worksheet, macro sheet, dialog sheet, and chart sheet. Multiple sheets are stored together within a workbook.

(2) A worksheet. The term sheet frequently refers to a worksheet because worksheets are the most common type of sheet.

sheet tab: A control that is used to select a sheet.

shrink to fit: The process of adjusting the font size of text in a cell to fit the current height and width of the cell.

single sign-on (SSO) ticket: A token that contains the encrypted identity of a single sign-on (SSO) user in the form of a security identifier string and a nonce.

site identifier: A GUID that is used to identify a site in a site collection.

snapshot: A copy of a workbook that contains only values and formatting. It does not contain any formulas or data connections.

SOAP: A lightweight protocol for exchanging structured information in a decentralized, distributed environment. SOAP uses XML technologies to define an extensible messaging framework, which provides a message construct that can be exchanged over a variety of underlying protocols. The framework has been designed to be independent of any particular programming model and other implementation-specific semantics. SOAP 1.2 supersedes SOAP 1.1. See [SOAP1.2-1/2003].

SOAP action: The HTTP request header field used to indicate the intent of the SOAP request, using a URI value. See [SOAP1.1] section 6.1.1 for more information.

SOAP body: A container for the payload data being delivered by a SOAP message to its recipient. See [SOAP1.2-1/2007] section 5.3 for more information.

SOAP fault: A container for error and status information within a SOAP message. See [SOAP1.2-1/2007] section 5.4 for more information.

SOAP fault detail: A string containing a human-readable explanation of a SOAP fault, which is not intended for algorithmic processing. See [SOAP1.2-1/2007] section 5.4.5 for more information.

sort: A process that arranges cells in ascending or descending order, based on cell content.

sort order: A specific arrangement of cells that is based on cell content. The order can be ascending or descending.

state changing: A type of operation that changes the state of a session.

summary: The orientation of outline expand and outline collapse symbols in relation to the data that is outlined.

system resources: The physical resources of a server computer, such as memory, disk space, CPU, and network bandwidth.

table: A list that is defined in a workbook.

table header: The top row of a table, where the column names are displayed.

time zone: A geographical area that observes the same local time. The local time has a positive, zero, or negative offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The offset can be different during standard time and daylight saving time.

time zone bias: The positive, zero, or negative offset in minutes from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For example, Middle European Time (MET, GMT+01:00) has a time zone bias of "-60" because it is one hour ahead of UTC. Pacific Standard Time (PST, GMT-08:00) has a time zone bias of "+480" because it is eight hours behind UTC.

time zone daylight bias: The positive, zero, or negative offset in minutes that is added to the time zone bias during daylight saving time. For example, daylight saving time advances the clock by one hour. The time zone daylight bias is set to "-60".

time zone daylight date: The date and time when the change from standard time to daylight saving time occurs.

time zone standard bias: A positive, zero, or negative offset in minutes that is added to the time zone bias outside daylight saving time.

time zone standard date: The date and time when the change from daylight saving time to standard time occurs.

token: A word in an item or a search query that translates into a meaningful word or number in written text. A token is the smallest textual unit that can be matched in a search query. Examples include "cat", "AB14", or "42".

top N filter: A filter that matches the top or bottom N items or N% of items in a specified column (2).

top N filter by count: A type of top N filter that matches the N largest numerical values or the N newest time and date values.

top N filter by percent: A type of top N filter that matches the N percent largest numerical values or the N percent newest time and date values.

top N filter by sum: A type of top N filter that matches the largest numerical values or the newest time and date values whose sum is equal to or greater than N.

trusted subsystem: A method of communication in which two-way trust is established between two server features. Each server feature communicates with the other feature by using an account that is authorized to perform privileged actions, such as retrieving files and settings.

UI culture: The language that is used to display strings and graphical elements in a user interface.

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): A string that identifies a resource. The URI is an addressing mechanism defined in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax [RFC3986].

Uniform Resource Locator (URL): A string of characters in a standardized format that identifies a document or resource on the World Wide Web. The format is as specified in [RFC1738].

Universal Naming Convention (UNC): A string format that specifies the location of a resource. For more information, see [MS-DTYP] section 2.2.57.

vertical indent: An indent that is used in a cell to adjust cell content vertically.

vertical text: Text that is rendered vertically in a cell.

visible: A condition of an object that allows it to be displayed in rendered output.

web service: A unit of application logic that provides data and services to other applications and can be called by using standard Internet transport protocols such as HTTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), or File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Web services can perform functions that range from simple requests to complicated business processes.

Web Services Description Language (WSDL): An XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints that operate on messages that contain either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information. The operations and messages are described abstractly and are bound to a concrete network protocol and message format in order to define an endpoint. Related concrete endpoints are combined into abstract endpoints, which describe a network service. WSDL is extensible, which allows the description of endpoints and their messages regardless of the message formats or network protocols that are used.

workbook file: A file that contains a byte stream representation of a workbook.

workbook parameter: A single cell that is designated to receive input from users.

worksheet header: The row and column headings of a worksheet.

worksheet image: A chart image that is embedded in a worksheet or chart sheet.

WSDL message: An abstract, typed definition of the data that is communicated during a WSDL operation [WSDL]. Also, an element that describes the data being exchanged between web service providers and clients.

XML: The Extensible Markup Language, as described in [XML1.0].

XML document: A document object that is well formed, as described in [XML10/5], and might be valid. An XML document has a logical structure that is composed of declarations, elements, comments, character references, and processing instructions. It also has a physical structure that is composed of entities, starting with the root, or document, entity.

XML namespace: A collection of names that is used to identify elements, types, and attributes in XML documents identified in a URI reference [RFC3986]. A combination of XML namespace and local name allows XML documents to use elements, types, and attributes that have the same names but come from different sources. For more information, see [XMLNS-2ED].

XML namespace prefix: An abbreviated form of an XML namespace, as described in [XML].

XML schema: A description of a type of XML document that is typically expressed in terms of constraints on the structure and content of documents of that type, in addition to the basic syntax constraints that are imposed by XML itself. An XML schema provides a view of a document type at a relatively high level of abstraction.

zero-based index: An index in which the first item has an index of "0" (zero).

z-order: The rendering order of an object on a z axis.

MAY, SHOULD, MUST, SHOULD NOT, MUST NOT: These terms (in all caps) are used as defined in [RFC2119]. All statements of optional behavior use either MAY, SHOULD, or SHOULD NOT.