
A reference to a named object or range within the current workbook, or to an external resource.

 <s:complexType name="Hyperlink">
     <s:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">    
       <s:element name="Target" type="s:string" />
       <s:element name="Location" type="s:string" />
     <s:element name="Tooltip" type="nonEmptyString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
   <s:attribute name="top" type="excelRowNumber" use="required" />
   <s:attribute name="left" type="excelColNumber" use="required" />
   <s:attribute name="bottom" type="excelRowNumber" use="required" />
   <s:attribute name="right" type="excelColNumber" use="required" />

Target: An external resource. The element MAY<3> be a valid [RFC1738] URL.

Location: A named object or range which MUST exist within the current workbook and MUST be present when the Target element is omitted.

Tooltip: Descriptive text for the hyperlink. This element MUST be omitted when descriptive text is not present; in which case the value of Target or Location element specifies the hyperlink.

top: The first row (2) of the range to which the hyperlink information applies.

left: The first column (2) of the range to which the hyperlink information applies.

bottom: The last row (2) of the range to which the hyperlink information applies.

right: The last column (2) of the range to which the hyperlink information applies.