
The CamlContains complex type specifies a filter based on a single field to restrict the data returned from a data-retrieval request.

 <s:complexType name="CamlContains">
     <s:element name="Contains">
           <s:element name="FieldRef" >
               <s:attribute name="Name" type="s:string" />
           <s:element name="Value" >
             <s:complexType mixed="true">
               <s:attribute name="Type" type="core:FieldInternalType" />

Contains: Specifies the filter criteria. The field and the value it contains MUST meet the filter criterion.

FieldRef: Specifies which field to apply the filter to. The Name attribute MUST be set to the Name attribute of the field as specified in the response to a GetList request (section

Value: Specifies the data type of the field to which to apply the filter, and its Type attribute matches the field type specified in the response from a GetList request. The filter to apply is a simple string that can be converted into the field type by the protocol server. For example, filtering the identification field for 200 would be specified as follows:

   <FieldRef Name="ID">
     <Value Type="Counter">200</Value>

In a different example, filtering a text field named TextCol for the text "FindMe" would be specified as follows:

   <FieldRef Name="TextCol">
     <Value Type="Text">FindMe</Value>