2.2.5 Simple Types

The following table summarizes the set of common XML Schema simple type definitions defined by this specification. XML Schema simple type definitions that are specific to a particular operation are described with the operation.

Simple Type



The BestBetFilter simple type contains information about best bet filtering. This enumeration together with an associated string value form a best bet filter. This filter is used on web methods GetBestBetsInfo and GetBestBetsCount. Best bet definitions MUST be considered included in the filtered set if their title or Url matches the value string as directed by this enumeration’s value. The matching is successful if the property being matched contains the value. If the BestBetFilter itself is null, the filtering MUST behave as if BestBetFilter.None was specified.


The duration simple type specifies the time interval or duration of time measured as positive or negative number of days, hours, minutes, seconds and fractions of a second.


The FederationAuthType simple type specifies the supported authentication protocols for connecting to federated locations.


The guid simple type contains a globally unique identifier (GUID).


The KeywordFilter simple type enumeration, together with an associated string value, form a keyword filter. This filter is used on web methods GetSpecialTermsCount and GetSpecialTermsInfo. Keyword definitions MUST be considered included in the filtered set if the property specified by this enumeration’s value matches the value string. The matching is successful if the property being matched contains the value.


The KeywordView simple type specifies a subset of a given set of keywords.


The LocationType simple type specifies the type of a federated location.


The ManagedDataType simple type contains information about the data type of a managed property.


The ScopeCompilationState simple type contains information about the compilation state of a search scope.


The ScopeCompilationType simple type contains information about the compilation type of a search scope.


The ScopeRuleFilterBehavior simple type contains information about the search scope rule filter behavior.


The ScopeRuleType simple type contains information about the type of search scope rule.


The ScopesCompilationScheduleType simple type defines the types of schedule for a search scope compilation for search scopes system.


The ScopesCompilationState simple type defines the search scopes compilation state values for a search scopes system.


The UrlScopeRuleType simple type contains information about the URL matching behavior to use for the search scope rule.