Page Type

Page Type is a 1-byte signed integer that is used to represent the possible page types. The only valid Page Type values are specified as follows.




Does not correspond to a view or a form of a list.


Default view of the corresponding list. This view is displayed whenever this list is viewed without an explicit view being specified.


A view of the corresponding list, but not the default view.


A view suitable for displaying in HTML file dialogs to a client application. This value is only used internally within implementation-specific code and is never stored in a database.


Used when dealing with views generically, regardless of their type. This value is only used internally within implementation-specific code and is never stored in a database.


A display form of a list, suitable for displaying a single list item in read-only mode.


Used to represent display forms of a list suitable for displaying in HTML file dialogs to a client application. This value is only used internally within implementation-specific code and is never stored in a database.


An edit form for a list, suitable for presenting UI to update the properties of a list item.


Used to represent edit forms of a list suitable for displaying in HTML file dialogs to a client application.


A new form for a list, suitable for presenting UI to create a new list item.


Used to represent new forms of a list suitable for displaying in HTML file dialogs to a client application. This value is from a previous implementation and is no longer valid.


Corresponds to a template for an XML solution for a form library. This value is only used internally within implementation-specific code and is never stored in a database.