List Security Information Result Set

The List Security Information Result Set contains permissions information for the lists associated with the Web Parts that appear on the specified document.

The List Security Information Result Set MUST return only if requested (input parameter @PrefetchListScope is set to 1) and if such lists exist (the List Metadata Result Set (section returns with at least one row).

The List Security Information Result Set returns one row per each unique scope associated with the lists.

       ListId                         uniqueidentifier,
       ScopeId                        uniqueidentifier,
       Acl                            varbinary(max),
       AnonymousPermMask              bigint;

ListId: The List Identifier of the list.

ScopeId: The Scope Identifier of the Permissions Scope that applies to the list. This MUST be set to zero if the list does not have Fine grain permission.

Acl: Contains the ACL of the Permissions Scope that applies to the list. This MUST be NULL if ScopeId is zero.

AnonymousPermMask: Contains the WSS Rights Mask on the list in effect for anonymous users. This MUST be 0 if ScopeId is zero.