List Metadata Result Set

The List Metadata Result Set contains the metadata associated with a list.

The List Metadata Result Set is defined using T-SQL syntax, as follows.

 tp_Id                                uniqueidentifier,
 tp_Title                             nvarchar(255),
 tp_Modified                          datetime,
 tp_Created                           datetime,
 tp_LastDeleted                       datetime,
 tp_Version                           int,
 tp_BaseType                          int,
 tp_FeatureId                         uniqueidentifier,
 tp_ServerTemplate                    int,
 DirName                              nvarchar(256),
 LeafName                             nvarchar(128),
 DirName                              nvarchar(256),
 LeafName                             nvarchar(128),
 tp_ReadSecurity                      int,
 tp_WriteSecurity                     int,
 tp_Description                       nvarchar(max),
 {tp_Fields}                          varbinary(max),
 tp_Direction                         int,
 AnonymousPermMask                    bigint,
 tp_Flags                             bigint,
 tp_ThumbnailSize                     int,
 tp_WebImageWidth                     int,
 tp_WebImageHeight                    int,
 tp_ImageUrl                          nvarchar(255),
 tp_ItemCount                         int,
 tp_Author                            int,
 tp_HasInternalFGP                    bit,
 tp_ScopeId                           uniqueidentifier,
 Acl                                  varbinary(max),
 tp_EventSinkAssembly                 nvarchar(255),
 tp_EventSinkClass                    nvarchar(255),
 tp_EventSinkData                     nvarchar(255),
 tp_EmailAlias                        nvarchar(128),
 tp_WebFullUrl                        nvarchar(256),
 tp_WebId                             uniqueidentifier,
 tp_WebTitle                          nvarchar(255),
 tp_Web                               int,
 tp_WebLanguage                       int,
 tp_WebCollation                      smallint,
 tp_SendToLocation                    nvarchar(512),
 {tp_MaxMajorVersionCount}            int,
 {tp_MaxMajorwithMinorVersionCount}   int,
 tp_MaxRowOrdinal                     int,
 tp_ListDataDirty                     int,
 tp_DefaultWorkflowId                 uniqueidentifier,
 {HasBackLookupRels}                  bit,
 tp_ContentTypes                      varbinary(max),
 tp_Subscribed                        bit,
 {ChildCount}                         int,
 tp_NoThrottleListOperations          bit,
 tp_TitleResource                     nvarchar(256),
 tp_DescriptionResource               nvarchar(256),
 tp_ValidationFormula                 nvarchar(1024),
 tp_ValidationMessage                 nvarchar(1024),
 Followable                           bit;

tp_Id: The List Identifier of the list.

tp_Title: The title of this list for display in the front-end Web server.

tp_Modified: A time stamp in UTC format specifying when this list was last modified.

tp_Created: A time stamp in UTC format specifying when this list was created.

tp_LastDeleted: A time stamp in UTC format specifying when an item was last deleted from this list. This value MUST default to NULL if no item has been deleted.

tp_Version: A counter incremented any time a change is made to the schema or other properties of this list and used for internal conflict detection.

tp_BaseType: The List Base type of this list. The following values are valid.




"Generic" list


Document library


"Discussion board" list


"Survey" list


"Issues" list

tp_FeatureId: The Feature Identifier for the feature that defines the base schema of this list.

tp_ServerTemplate: The list template identifier that defines the base structure of this list.

DirName: The directory name of the location that contains this list.

LeafName: The leaf name of the location that contains this list.

DirName: The directory name of the default document template in the list. This value can be NULL if a document template is not defined for this list.

LeafName: The leaf name of the default document template in the list. This value can be NULL if a document template is not defined for this list.

tp_ReadSecurity: This signifies special restrictions that can be placed on list item access. The following values are valid.




No special restrictions.


Users can see only their own list items. The front-end Web server MUST NOT display list items to users without the ManageLists permissions unless the list item was created by that user (for example, tp_Author = @UserId).

tp_WriteSecurity: This signifies special restrictions that can be placed on list item update. The following values are valid.




No special restrictions.


Users will see only their own list items. The front-end Web server MUST NOT allow users without the ManageLists permission to update a list item unless the list item was created by that user (for example, tp_Author = @UserId).


Users will not update any list items in this list. The front-end Web server MUST NOT allow users without the ManageLists permission to add or update list items in this list.

tp_Description: The description of this list for display in the front-end Web server.

{tp_Fields}: This field MUST be NULL if the site (2) or list has been flagged to cache all schema data; otherwise, it contains a Compressed structure. Uncompressed it contains an implementation-specific version string followed by an XML representation of the field definitions. The field definitions include display and interaction options. The XML MUST conform to the FieldDefinitionDatabaseWithVersion complex type, as specified in section

tp_Direction: An enumerated value specifying the direction of text flow for front-end Web server elements presented by this list. The following values are valid.




No explicit direction is specified.


Text flow is left to right.


Text flow is right to left.

AnonymousPermMask: A WSS Rights Mask that indicates the permissions granted to a user that is anonymous, or has no specific permissions, on this list.

tp_Flags: A List Flags value describing this list.

tp_ThumbnailSize: The width, in pixels, specified for use when creating thumbnail images of list items within this list. This value MUST be NULL for lists that do not have a List Server Template value of 109(Image Library Template). Thumbnail images are generated by the front-end Web server for documents and have implementation-specific capabilities.

tp_WebImageWidth: The width, in pixels, specified for use when creating Web images of list items within this list. This value MUST be NULL for lists that do not have a List Server Template value of 109(Image Library Template). Web images are generated by the front-end Web server for documents and have implementation-specific capabilities.

tp_WebImageHeight: The height, in pixels, specified for use when creating Web images of list items within this list. This value MUST be NULL for lists that do not have a List Server Template value of 109(Image Library Template).

tp_ImageUrl: The URL of the image used to represent this list.

tp_ItemCount: The number of list items that are stored within this list.

tp_Author: The identifier of the user who is listed as creating this list.

tp_HasInternalFGP: This flag is set to 1 if there have ever been list items for this list that have had a unique access control list (ACL) applied. Otherwise, this flag is set to 0.

tp_ScopeId: Unique identifier of the security scope for this list. This indicates the specific WSS ACL Format access control list (ACL) to use for calculating the permission settings on this list.

Acl: The binary serialization of the WSS ACL Format access control list (ACL) for this list. This MUST be used for the permissions for this list if the tp_ScopeId value of this list is set to unique security scope.

tp_EventSinkAssembly: The name of the .NET assembly that implements the event sink associated with this list. This value MUST default to NULL if no event sink has been associated with the list.

tp_EventSinkClass: The name of the .Net assembly class that implements the event sink associated with this list. This value MUST default to NULL if no event sink has been associated with the list.

tp_EventSinkData: Additional data persisted on behalf of the event sink implementation, to be passed to the event sink associated with this list. This value MUST default to NULL if no event sink has been associated with the list.

tp_EmailAlias: The e-mail address of the list. This e-mail address is used to allow files to be sent directly to this list through an implementation-specific e-mail handling feature. This value MUST default to NULL if no e-mail inserts server has been associated with the list.

tp_WebFullUrl: The complete store-relative form URL to the site (2) that contains this list.

tp_WebId: The Site Identifier of the site (2) that contains the list.

tp_WebTitle: The title, for display in the front-end Web server, of the site (2) that contains this list.

tp_Web: The identifier of the site template for the site (2) that contains this list.

tp_WebLanguage: The language code identifier (LCID) of the display language of the site (2) that contains this list.

tp_WebCollation: The collation order for information in the site (2) that contains this list.

tp_SendToLocation: Contains an implementation-specific string of the URL used to copy list items to alternative locations. This value MUST be NULL if no "Send To Location" has been associated with the list.

{tp_MaxMajorVersionCount}: If the list has versioning enabled, this field contains the number of major versions that will be retained for this document. All versions more than tp_MaxMajorVersionCount removed from the current version of the document are automatically removed at version creation time. A value of 0 specifies that versions aren't automatically removed for this list.

{tp_MaxMajorwithMinorVersionCount}: If the list has versioning enabled, this field contains the number of major versions that will have their associated minor versions retained for this document. All versions more than tp_MaxMajorVersionCount removed from the current version of the document are automatically removed at version creation time. A value of 0 specifies that versions aren't automatically removed for this list.

tp_MaxRowOrdinal: This specifies the maximum row ordinal used to store list items for this list. This value indicates an implementation-specific calculation for storage of list items within lists.

tp_ListDataDirty: This is set to 1 if the list items in this list require dependency update processing before their next access (for example, updating document link information by parsing each document).

tp_DefaultWorkflowId: The Workflow Identifier corresponding to the workflow (2) invoked if the document is in a moderated list and the document is submitted for approval as part of a check in. If the document does not exist, or is not contained in a list with a configured approval workflow (2), this value MUST be NULL.

{HasBackLookupRels}: This bit is set to 1 if this list has any relationship lookup fields with relationship delete behavior that cascades or relationship delete behavior that is restricted. Otherwise, it MUST be 0.

tp_ContentTypes: Compressed structure. Uncompressed it will get XML data specifying the content types registered for this list.

tp_Subscribed: Set to 1 if an alert for changes to this list has been created in the past, signifying that additional processing needs to be performed.

{ChildCount}: If the document is contained within a list, this MUST be the sum total of list items and folders within the list. Otherwise, this MUST be the sum total of documents and folders that are contained within directory specified by the DirName column.

tp_NoThrottleListOperations: If this list is exempt from resource throttling operations, then this value MUST be 1. Otherwise, it MUST be 0.

tp_DescriptionResource: The resource token or resource identifier of the description for the site (2).

tp_ValidationFormula: A string representing the data validation criteria used to perform custom validation rules prior to the list being updated.

Followable: If this list is followable, then this value MUST be 1. Otherwise, it MUST be 0.

tp_ValidationMessage: A string containing text to display in the user interface when the list fails validation based on the data validation criteria represented by tp_ValidationFormula.