Security Information Result Set

The Security Information Result Set returns information about the security permissions on the document. The Security Information Result Set MUST be returned only if the document exists, and MUST return one row of information.

       {ScopeId}                        uniqueidentifier,
       {ScopeUrl}                       nvarchar(260),
       {IsScope}                      bit,
       Acl                            varbinary(max),
       AnonymousPermMask              bigint,
       {BigListFolder}                  bit;
       {ListId}                       uniqueidentifier

{ScopeId}: Contains the scope identifier of the scope that contains the document.

{ScopeUrl}: The store-relative form URL of the scope that contains the document.

{IsScope}: A flag indicating that the document is the securable object at the root of the scope. This value MUST be set to 1 if ScopeUrl is the store-relative form URL of the document; otherwise, the value MUST be 0.

Acl: The access control list (ACL) of the scope that contains the document.

AnonymousPermMask: The WSS Rights Mask (section in effect for anonymous users in the scope.

{BigListFolder}: A flag indicating whether or not the list is considered too big for non-administrators. If @Url is not a folder, then BigListFolder MUST be 0. If the list is not throttled, BigListFolder MUST be 0. If the list does not contain more list items than @ThresholdCount, then BigListFolder MUST be 0. Otherwise, BigListFolder MUST be 1.

{ListId}: The list identifier of the list containing the document.