Property Definitions

For each property definition, a minimal set of configuration properties is maintained by the server. The configuration of a property definition consists of all the information to define the property definition.

A Property Definition is a type of FSRM Base Object (section that has all the properties and state of an FSRM Base Object. The following configuration data is maintained for each property definition on the system:

Property Definition.Type: This property is a numeric value that identifies the type of the property definition. The File Server Resource Manager Protocol defines a set of available property definition types in the FsrmPropertyDefinitionType enumeration. See section for details.

Property Definition.Name: This property is a unique, case-insensitive Unicode string for the property definition.

Property Definition.Display Name: This property is a unique, case-insensitive Unicode string for the property definition.<28>

Possible values: This property is an ordered list of Property Value Definitions that can be used when setting this property on a file. Possible values are valid only for property definitions of type FsrmPropertyDefinitionType_OrderedList, FsrmPropertyDefinitionType_SingleChoiceList, and FsrmPropertyDefinitionType_MultiChoiceList.

Property Definition.Parameters: This property is a list of Unicode text strings that are descriptive metadata for the property definition that can be used by consumers of the protocol and that are not covered by the classification property definition. Clients can use these strings to store additional descriptive information about the property definition. Examples of information that a client can store here include "Author=jdoe" and "Created=12-5-10". See the definition for parameter strings in section for details regarding the individual text strings.

AppliesTo: This property identifies whether an instance of the property definition can be associated with the file or a folder.<29>

Property Definition.Secure: This Boolean property indicates whether a property definition can be used to make any security decisions.<30>

Property Definition.Global: This Boolean property indicates that the property definition cannot be modified on the server via APIs.<31>

Property Definition.Deprecated: This Boolean property indicates whether the property definition is valid.<32>

Property Definition.WhenChanged: This property indicates when the property was last updated if it was defined by an AD Property Definition.<33>