Receiving a Play Response

The client MUST first follow the steps as specified in section

The value of the State variable MUST be set to PLAYING.

If at least one of the selected streams is delivered over TCP, the KeepAlive timer SHOULD be stopped.

The client MUST be prepared to receive RTP packets. How to process RTP packets is specified in section The client MUST also be prepared to receive an EndOfStream request. How to process this request is specified in section

If the client sent a LogConnect request immediately after sending the Play request, the client MUST now be prepared to receive the LogConnect response. How to process that response is specified in section

If the Play response contains the X-Playlist-Change-Notice (section header, and the value is set to "true", then the client MUST set X-Playlist-Change-Notice-Variable equal to "true"; otherwise the client MUST set X-Playlist-Change-Notice-Variable equal to "false".

If the response includes the X-Accelerate-Streaming (section header, then the server SHOULD make the values of the AccelDuration and AccelBandwidth parameters on that header available to the higher layer.

If the response includes the X-StartupProfile (section header, then the server SHOULD make all fields on that header available to the higher layer.