ShowItemProperties Method

Displays the Properties dialog box for the specified Item.


  object.ShowItemProperties( _
    Item As Item, _
    [CancelError As Boolean])


  • Item
    Required. Item value.

  • CancelError
    Optional. Boolean value that indicates whether to generate an error if the user cancels the dialog box.

    • False
      Default. Do not generate an error.
    • True
      Generate an error.


The following example shows how to display the Item Properties dialog box for the selected item.

Dim dev 'As Device
Dim itms 'As Items
Dim itm 'As Item

Set dev = CommonDialog1.ShowSelectDevice
Set itms = CommonDialog1.ShowSelectItems(dev, UnspecifiedIntent, _
                                         MaximizeQuality, True)
Set itm = itms(1)
CommonDialog1.ShowItemProperties itm

Method Information

Minimum operating systems Windows XP SP1

See Also

CommonDialog, ShowTransfer, ExecuteCommand (Device), GetItem, Item, ExecuteCommand (Item), Item (Items)