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Order-level Discount Examples

Order-level discounts apply to all products in a shopping basket. For example, free shipping is a type of order-level discount: you can give users free shipping for all products in their basket. The order-level discounts Commerce Server offers are free shipping and percentage or dollar amounts off the total price of an order.

Order-level: Buy $300.00 of A, and get free shipping

Order-level: Buy $200.00 of A, get 10 percent off the order subtotal

Order-level: Buy two of A, get $10.00 off the order subtotal

Order-level: Buy $300.00 of A, and get free shipping

The following Discount Definition screen shows how to create a shipping discount that offers free shipping, if the user buys catalog items in the Carabiner category that totals $300.00 or more.

Condition: Buy catalog items worth $300.00 or more in the Carabiner category

Award: Get free shipping

Discount interaction policy: None

Priority: 10

Discount Definition Screen - Shipping Discount

The following basket shows a free shipping discount. The discount condition is met because the user places 22 Petzl Spirits (AW014-08) in the basket, which total more than $300.00 in the Carabiner category. Therefore, the free shipping award is applied to the order subtotal.

Discount Basket

Order-level: Buy $200.00 of A, get 10 percent off the order subtotal

The following Discount Definition screen shows how to create an order-level discount that offers a 10 percent discount off the order subtotal if the user buys catalog items totaling at least $200.00.

Condition: Buy catalog items worth $200.00 or more in the Boots category

Award: 10 percent of the order subtotal

Discount interaction policy: None

Priority: 10

Order-level Discount

The following basket shows a 10 percent discount off the order subtotal. The discount condition is met because the user placed $200.00 worth of boots in the basket. Therefore, the 10 percent discount award is applied to the order subtotal. The amount of the award is distributed across the three line items in the basket. If the user requests a refund, it will be handled properly, because the discount is applied to each line item, instead of applying it to the order subtotal.

OrderSubtotal discount of 10 percent

Order-level: Buy two of A, get $10.00 off the order subtotal

The following Discount Definition screen shows how to create an order-level discount that offers a $10.00 discount off the order subtotal if the user buys two catalog items.

Condition: Buy two pairs of Dunes boots (AW074-04)

Award: $10.00 of the order subtotal

Discount interaction policy: None

Priority: 10

OrderSubtotal discount of 10 dollars

The following basket shows a $10.00 discount off the order subtotal. The discount condition is met because the user placed two pairs of Dunes boots in their basket. Therefore, the $10.00 discount award is applied to the order subtotal. The amount of the award is distributed against the line item in the basket. If the user requests a refund, it will be handled properly, because the discount is applied to the line item, instead of applying it to the final price.

User basket - order subtotal - dollar discount

See Also

Creating a Discount

Defining the Discounts and Awards, and Targeting the Discount


Discount Conditions

Discount Awards

Discount Eligibility Requirements

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