
During exercise 1, we applied implicit styles, a new feature in Silverlight 4 which allows a style to be applied to all elements of matching type. Following this, we applied various pixel shader effects to an image, animating various properties of these effects. Finally we applied a perspective transform to the canvas and animated it to yield a 3D planar effect.

During exercise 2, we activated webcam capture. This involved retrieving the default visual input devices of the host environment, checking if the devices can be initialized correctly, instantiating the CaptureSource, hook up to devices, starting and stopping capture, and setting a VideoBrushSource to the CaptureSource. Next, we asynchronously captured an image from the video stream. Finally, we opened a ChildWindow dialog and displayed a still of the animation and the pixel shader effects. We implemented Print functionality to print this captured still to a print device via the Silverlight plugin.