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Exercise 1: Acquiring Pictures with a Webcam

In this part of the lab, you will create a new page for adding a picture to a logged-in attendee’s account. This page will show a live preview image from a camera, along with a button to capture a still image.

Get the List of Devices

  1. Open the SlEventManager solution in Visual Studio 2010.
  2. In the SlEventManager project’s Views folder, add a new Silverlight Page called UserPicture.
  3. In the Home.xaml file, find the StackPanel that contains the attendee-specific buttons (the Register and Unregister buttons)
  4. Add the following before those buttons inside the panel:


    <HyperlinkButton Content="User Picture" NavigateUri="/UserPicture" />
  5. Run the application.
    You will need to be logged in each time you run the application in this part of the lab, because the user picture feature should only be available to logged in attendees. So you might find it helpful to check the checkbox to remain logged in. This will set a persistent cookie that should mean you won’t need to log in every single time you run. The cookie has a fairly short lifetime, but it’s better than logging in each time you rerun the application.

    When you log in, you should see a User Picture link next to the Register and Unregister buttons, and clicking this will take you to the new (currently blank) UserPicture view.

    Silverlight’s webcam API is designed to cope with machines that have multiple webcams attached. From a developer’s perspective, the most straightforward option is to present this is as a list of cameras in the UI.

    A more sophisticated approach would be to design three different UIs, one for when there are no webcams available, one for when there is exactly one, and one for when there are multiple cameras. The first two cases are far more common than the third, so you’d want them to work well, and you especially wouldn’t want to compromise the ease of use in these two common cases. If supporting the unusual multiple camera case means complicating the UI, it’s probably best only to show the complex version of the UI when you really need to. But since the focus here is working with the webcam API itself we’ll take the simple approach, rather than making you build three versions of the UI.
  6. In the UserPicture.xaml file, drag a ListBox onto the page.
  7. Position it at the top left, and make it large enough to hold about three lines before needing to scroll.
  8. Name this ListBox cameraList.
  9. In the UserPicture.xaml.cs(C#) or UserPicture.xaml.vb(VB) code behind, add the following to the constructor after the call to InitializeComponent:


    cameraList.ItemsSource = CaptureDeviceConfiguration.GetAvailableVideoCaptureDevices();

    Visual Basic

    cameraList.ItemsSource = CaptureDeviceConfiguration.GetAvailableVideoCaptureDevices()
  10. Run the application.

Acquire a Capture Source

  1. If you are not logged in, log in now.
  2. Go to the UserPicture page.( Any cameras that show up will not be presented in a particularly useful fashion)

    Figure 1

    Video Capture Devices

    To present the name of the device, you’ll need to add an item template to the ListBox. This template displays the FriendlyName property of each video device, which is the appropriate name to show to end users to represent the camera.
  3. Add the following inside the ListBox element in UserPicture.xaml.


    <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=FriendlyName}" /> </DataTemplate> </ListBox.ItemTemplate>
  4. Run the application again, and you should see more user-friendly names for any cameras on your system.
    When the user selects a camera, we want to show whatever the camera is looking at, so the user can get into a suitable pose ready for taking the picture. So you will need a UI element to show this preview. The webcam features of Silverlight 4 support this kind of live preview with an image source, which lets you use an Image element, and it also supports rendering webcam content through a VideoBrush, meaning you can paint any element that offers Brush properties. We’ll use a Border, painting its Background property (which is of type Brush) with the webcam picture.
  5. Add a Border to your XAML and name it webcamLivePreview:


    <Border x:Name="webcamLivePreview" Height="150" Width="150" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="378,25,0,0" BorderBrush="Silver" BorderThickness="2" CornerRadius="10" />
    Feel free to adjust the size and position if this clashes with the ListBox you already added.
  6. Double click on the ListBox in the design surface to add a SelectionChanged event handler.
  7. Add field of type CaptureSource to your code behind class. This allows you to acquire images from a webcam.


    CaptureSource cs;

    Visual Basic

    Private cs As CaptureSource
  8. In the SelectionChanged handler for the ListBox, add the following code


    if (cs != null) { cs.Stop(); }

    Visual Basic

    If cs IsNot Nothing Then cs.Stop() End If
    This ensures that if a CaptureSource was already running (perhaps the user had already selected one camera and is now selecting a different one) we stop it before attempting to attach it to the newly-selected camera:
  9. Add the following code to check whether the user has selected a device, and to set it up if they have.


    VideoCaptureDevice videoDevice = cameraList.SelectedItem as VideoCaptureDevice; if (videoDevice != null) { // We need user permission to use the webcam. if (CaptureDeviceConfiguration.AllowedDeviceAccess || CaptureDeviceConfiguration.RequestDeviceAccess()) { if (cs == null) { cs = new CaptureSource(); VideoBrush vb = new VideoBrush(); vb.SetSource(cs); vb.Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill; webcamLivePreview.Background = vb; } cs.VideoCaptureDevice = videoDevice; cs.Start(); } }

    Visual Basic

    Dim videoDevice As VideoCaptureDevice = TryCast(cameraList.SelectedItem, VideoCaptureDevice) If videoDevice IsNot Nothing Then ' We need user permission to use the webcam. If CaptureDeviceConfiguration.AllowedDeviceAccess OrElse CaptureDeviceConfiguration.RequestDeviceAccess() Then If cs Is Nothing Then cs = New CaptureSource() Dim vb As New VideoBrush() vb.SetSource(cs) vb.Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill webcamLivePreview.Background = vb End If cs.VideoCaptureDevice = videoDevice cs.Start() End If End If
    This ensures we have the user’s permission to use the webcam. It also creates a CaptureSource if one hasn’t already been created, along with a VideoBrush to paint the video into our preview Border. Finally, this code associates the CaptureSource with the chosen camera, and starts capturing video.
  10. Run the application and go to the UserPicture view.
  11. Select a video camera in the list, and you should see the permission dialog appear:

    Figure 2

    Registration Validation

  12. Click Yes. You should start seeing an image from the camera within a few seconds.
    There’s a slight issue with the code as it stands. If you navigate away to a different page, the camera doesn’t get released. If your camera has an activity light, you’ll see that it stays on if you navigate back to the Home view. This could cause a problem, as it could prevent your program (or other programs) from using the camera correctly later on, and in any case, it may disturb the user to see the activity light stay on. We need to ensure that the camera is released when users navigate away.
  13. Add the code shown below to the OnNavigatedFrom method to stop the webcam if the user navigates away from the page:


    protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e) { if (cs != null) { cs.Stop(); cs = null; } }

    Visual Basic

    Protected Overrides Sub OnNavigatedFrom(ByVal e As System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs) If cs IsNot Nothing Then cs.Stop() cs = Nothing End If End Sub
    If the user navigates completely out of your Silverlight application to another web page, or just closes the browser, the Silverlight plug-in will automatically release the camera for you. This code is only to ensure that you release the camera when the user navigates to some other part of your application.

Take a Snapshot

  1. Add a button called takePictureButton
  2. Set the button’s caption to Take Picture
  3. Add another Border with the same dimensions and appearance as the existing one.
  4. Name the new Border userPictureBorder and position it below the list of cameras.
  5. Double click on the Take Picture button to add a Click event handler.
  6. Put the following code in the Client event handler:


    if (cs == null) return; cs.CaptureImageCompleted += (s, pe) => { var bmp = pe.Result; ImageBrush brush = new ImageBrush(); brush.ImageSource = bmp; brush.Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill; userPictureBorder.Background = brush; }; cs.CaptureImageAsync();

    Visual Basic

    If cs Is Nothing Then Return End If AddHandler cs.CaptureImageCompleted, Sub(s, pe) Dim bmp = pe.Result Dim brush As New ImageBrush() brush.ImageSource = bmp brush.Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill userPictureBorder.Background = brush End Sub cs.CaptureImageAsync()
  7. Run the application.
  8. Go to the User Picture view.
  9. Select a camera
  10. Click the Take Picture button. A still image from the camera should appear in the new Border element.
    The next question is: how do we get this still image out of the UI and into the database? This is not entirely straightforward because Silverlight’s image handling only knows how to load bitmaps from streams, not how to create new bitmap streams from existing images. Fortunately, the .NET Image Tools project on codeplex (available from offers a solution, licensed under the Ms-PL (Microsoft Public License). A copy of this code can be found in the ImageTools folder in this lab’s folder.
  11. In your SlEventManager project, add references to the DLLs in the ImageTools folder.
  12. Add the following using declarations to your UserPicture.xaml.cs(C#) or UserPicture.xaml.vb(VB) code behind:


    using System.IO; using ImageTools; using ImageTools.IO.Png;

    Visual Basic

    Imports System.IO Imports ImageTools Imports ImageTools.IO.Png
  13. Add the following field to the code behind. This will hold the encoded bytes of the image:


    byte[] imageBytes;

    Visual Basic

    Private imageBytes() As Byte
  14. Go to the Take Picture button’s Click event handler
  15. Add the following code after the line that sets the userPictureBorder.Background property


    PngEncoder encoder = new PngEncoder(); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { var itImage = bmp.ToImage(); encoder.Encode(itImage, ms); imageBytes = ms.ToArray(); }

    Visual Basic

    Dim encoder As New PngEncoder() Using ms As New MemoryStream() Dim itImage = bmp.ToImage() encoder.Encode(itImage, ms) imageBytes = ms.ToArray() End Using
  16. In the SlEventManager.Web project, open the EventManagerDomainService.cs(C#) or EventManagerDomainService.vb(VB) file in the Services folder.
  17. And add the following method:


    [Invoke] public void SetCurrentUserImage(byte[] imageBytes) { Attendee att = GetOrCreateAttendeeForCurrentUser(); att.UserPicture = imageBytes; ObjectContext.SaveChanges(); }

    Visual Basic

    <Invoke()> Public Sub SetCurrentUserImage(ByVal imageBytes() As Byte) Dim att As Attendee = GetOrCreateAttendeeForCurrentUser() att.UserPicture = imageBytes ObjectContext.SaveChanges() End Sub
  18. Add one more button to the user interface called savePictureButton.
  19. Set the caption to Save Picture.
  20. Add a Click event handler.
  21. Add the following using declaration to the code behind:


    using SlEventManager.Web.Services;

    Visual Basic

    Imports SlEventManager.Web.Services
  22. Implement the Click handler:


    if (imageBytes != null) { savePictureButton.IsEnabled = false; var context = new EventManagerDomainContext(); context.SetCurrentUserImage(imageBytes, operation => { savePictureButton.IsEnabled = true; }, null); }

    Visual Basic

    If imageBytes IsNot Nothing Then savePictureButton.IsEnabled = False Dim context = New EventManagerDomainContext() context.SetCurrentUserImage(imageBytes, Sub(operation) savePictureButton.IsEnabled = True, Nothing) End If
  23. Run the application.
  24. Acquire an image.
  25. Save the image.
  26. In Visual Studio, go to the Server Explorer panel, expand the Data Connections
  27. Expand the Tables item.
  28. Right-click on the Attendee table and select Show Table Data. This should show that the UserPicture column for the attendee is no longer null.