The DDHALINFO structure collects all the information needed to create an instance of your driver. It is filled out in buildDDHALInfo16 and buildDDHALInfo32 and contains all the unchanging function names and capabilities of this hardware and driver.

typedef struct _DDHALINFO
DWORD                       dwSize;
LPDDHAL_DDCALLBACKS         lpDDCallbacks;
VIDMEMINFO                  vmiData;
DDCORECAPS                  ddCaps;
DWORD                       dwMonitorFrequency;
DWORD                       dwModeIndex;
LPDWORD                     lpdwFourCC;
DWORD                       dwNumModes;
LPDDHALMODEINFO             lpModeInfo;
DWORD                       dwFlags;
LPVOID                      lpPDevice;
DWORD                       hInstance;
ULONG_PTR                   lpD3DGlobalDriverData;
ULONG_PTR                   lpD3DHALCallbacks;


  • dwSize
    Size of the structure. This member must be initialized before the structure is used.

  • lpDDCallbacks
    Pointer to the DirectDraw object callbacks (DDHAL_DDCALLBACKS).

  • lpDDSurfaceCallbacks
    Pointer to the DirectDrawSurface object callbacks (DDHAL_DDSURFACECALLBACKS).

  • lpDDPaletteCallbacks
    Pointer to the DirectDrawPalette object callbacks (DDHAL_DDPALETTECALLBACKS).

  • vmiData
    Pointer to a VIDMEMINFO structure where you put the display memory information.

  • ddCaps
    The DDCORECAPS structure that specifies the capabilities the hardware can set.

  • dwMonitorFrequency
    Indicates the monitor frequency in the current mode.

  • GetDriverInfo
    Pointer to a GetDriverInfo callback function that will be used to get further DirectDraw HAL information.

  • dwModeIndex
    Index into a mode array that indicates the current mode.

  • lpdwFourCC
    Indicates the FourCC codes supported in this mode only, and are listed in the order of preference of use (speed and quality).

  • dwNumModes
    Indicates the number of modes supported.

  • lpModeInfo
    Pointer to a DDHALMODEINFO structure that contains the mode information.

  • dwFlags
    Display driver create flags.

    Flag Usage
    DDHALINFO_GETDRIVERINFOSET Indicates that GetDriverInfo is set.
    DDHALINFO_ISPRIMARYDISPLAY Indicates the driver is the primary display driver.
    DDHALINFO_MODEXILLEGAL Indicates this hardware does not support ModeX modes.
  • lpPDevice
    Pointer to the physical device pointer (pdevice) in the display minidriver.

  • hInstance
    Instance handle to the base display driver.

  • lpD3DGlobalDriverData
    Not used on Windows CE.

  • lpD3DHALCallbacks
    Not used on Windows CE.

  • lpDDExeBufCallbacks
    This member is for future use.

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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