The DDHAL_DDCALLBACKS structure contains the 16 and 32-bit DirectDraw callback functions. This structure is included in the DDHALINFO structure.

typedef struct _DDHAL_DDCALLBACKS
DWORD                           dwSize;
DWORD                           dwFlags;
LPDDHAL_DESTROYDRIVER           DestroyDriver;
LPDDHAL_CREATESURFACE           CreateSurface;
LPDDHAL_SETCOLORKEY             SetColorKey;
LPDDHAL_SETMODE                 SetMode;
LPDDHAL_CREATEPALETTE           CreatePalette;
LPDDHAL_GETSCANLINE             GetScanLine;


  • dwSize
    Size of the structure. This parameter must be initialized before the structure is used.

  • dwFlags
    Indicates which of the DirectDraw functions are implemented in 32-bit code. One or more of the following flags:

    Flag Usage
    DDHAL_CB32_CANCREATESURFACE Indicates that the CanCreateSurface callback is implemented in 32-bit code.
    DDHAL_CB32_CREATEPALETTE Indicates that the CreatePalette callback is implemented in 32-bit code.
    DDHAL_CB32_CREATESURFACE Indicates that the CreateSurface callback is implemented in 32-bit code.
    DDHAL_CB32_DESTROYDRIVER Indicates that the DestroyDriver callback is implemented in 32-bit code.
    DDHAL_CB32_FLIPTOGDISURFACE Indicates that the FlipToGDISurface callback is implemented in 32-bit code.
    DDHAL_CB32_GETSCANLINE Indicates that the GetScanLine callback is implemented in 32-bit code.
    DDHAL_CB32_SETEXCLUSIVEMODE Indicates that the SetExclusiveMode callback is implemented in 32-bit code.
    DDHAL_CB32_SETMODE Indicates that the SetMode callback is implemented in 32-bit code.
    DDHAL_CB32_WAITFORVERTICALBLANK Indicates that the WaitForVerticalBlank callback is implemented in 32-bit code.
  • DestroyDriver
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the DestroyDriver callback.

  • CreateSurface
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the CreateSurface callback.

  • SetColorKey
    This member is obsolete and should not be used.

  • SetMode
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the SetMode callback.

  • WaitForVerticalBlank
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the WaitForVerticalBlank callback.

  • CanCreateSurface
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the CanCreateSurface callback.

  • CreatePalette
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the CreatePalette callback.

  • GetScanLine
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the GetScanLine callback.

  • SetExclusiveMode
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the SetExclusiveMode callback.

  • FlipToGDISurface
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the FlipToGDISurface callback.


This structure contains the entry points in the display driver that DirectDraw calls. Entries that the display driver does not use should be set to NULL.

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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