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Master Object [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Multiple objects
Multiple objects

Represents a master in a stencil.

You retrieve a particular Master object from the Masters collection of a Document object whose stencil contains that master.

Version added



The default property of a Master object is Name.

To create an instance of a master in a drawing, use the Drop method of a Page object that represents a drawing page.

Properties | AlignName property | BaseID property | Connects property | Document property | EditCopy property | EventList property | Hidden property | Icon property | IconSize property | IconUpdate property | ID property | Index property | IndexInStencil property | IsChanged property | Layers property | MatchByName property | Name property | NameU property | NewBaseID property | ObjectType property | OLEObjects property | OneD property | Original property | PageSheet property | PatternFlags property | PersistsEvents property | Picture property | Prompt property | Shapes property | SpatialSearch property | Stat property | UniqueID property

Methods | AddGuide method | BoundingBox method | CenterDrawing method | Close method | CreateSelection method | CreateShortcut method | Delete method | DrawArcByThreePoints method | DrawBezier method | DrawCircularArc method | DrawLine method | DrawNURBS Method | DrawOval method | DrawPolyline method | DrawQuarterArc method | DrawRectangle method | DrawSpline method | Drop method | DropManyU method | Export method | ExportIcon method | GetFormulas method | GetFormulasU method | GetResults method | Import method | ImportIcon method | InsertFromFile method | InsertObject method | Layout method | Open method | OpenDrawWindow method | OpenIconWindow method | Paste method | PasteSpecial method | ResizeToFitContents method | SetFormulas method | SetResults method

Events | BeforeMasterDelete event | BeforeSelectionDelete event | BeforeShapeDelete event | BeforeShapeTextEdit event | CellChanged event | ConnectionsAdded event | ConnectionsDeleted event | ConvertToGroupCanceled event | FormulaChanged event | MasterChanged event | MasterDeleteCanceled event | QueryCancelConvertToGroup event | QueryCancelMasterDelete event | QueryCancelSelectionDelete event | QueryCancelUngroup event | SelectionAdded event | SelectionDeleteCanceled event | ShapeAdded event | ShapeChanged event | ShapeExitedTextEdit event | ShapeParentChanged event | TextChanged event | UngroupCanceled event

Parent Objects | Layer Object | Layers Collection | Master Object | Masters Collection | Selection Object | Shape Object | Shapes Collection

Child Objects | Connects Object | Document Object | EventList Object | Layers Object | Master Object | OLEObjects Object | Selection Object | Shape Object | Shapes Object

See Also | Masters collection