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Pages Collection [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Multiple objects

Includes a Page object for each drawing page in a document.

To retrieve a Pages collection, use the Pages property of a Document object.

Version added



The default property of a Pages collection is Item.

The order of items in a Pages collection is significant: if there are n foreground pages in a document, the first n pages in its Pages collection are foreground pages and are in order. The remaining pages in the collection are the background pages of the document; these are in no particular order.

Properties | Count property | Document property | EventList property | Item property | ItemFromID property | ItemU property | ObjectType property | PersistsEvents property | Stat property

Methods | Add method | GetNames method | GetNamesU method

Events | BeforePageDelete event | BeforeSelectionDelete event | BeforeShapeDelete event | BeforeShapeTextEdit event | CellChanged event | ConnectionsAdded event | ConnectionsDeleted event | ConvertToGroupCanceled event | FormulaChanged event | PageAdded event | PageChanged event | PageDeleteCanceled event | QueryCancelConvertToGroup event | QueryCancelPageDelete event | QueryCancelSelectionDelete event | QueryCancelUngroup event | SelectionAdded event | SelectionDeleteCanceled event | ShapeAdded event | ShapeChanged event | ShapeExitedTextEdit event | ShapeParentChanged event | TextChanged event | UngroupCanceled event

Parent Objects | Document Object

Child Objects | Document Object | EventList Object | Page Object

See Also | Document object | Page object | Pages property