IHTMLFramesCollection2 Object

Multiple objects

Represents a collection of FRAME elements in an HTML document.

Using the IHTMLFramesCollection2 Object

Use the frames property to return an IHTMLFramesCollection2 object. The following example accesses the collection of FRAME elements in the active document and then uses the Item method to access the first FRAME element in the collection.

Dim objFrames As IHTMLFramesCollection2
Dim objFrame As FPHTMLFrameElement

Set objFrames = ActiveDocument.frames
Set objFrame = objFrames.Item(0)

Properties | Length Property

Methods | item Method

Parent Objects | DispFPHTMLDocument Object | FPHTMLDocument Object | FPHTMLWindow2 Object | FPHTMLWindowProxy Object | IHTMLDocument2 Object | IHTMLWindow2 Object

Child Objects