KeywordQuery members

Contains information about a keyword based search query. Represents a search query that uses the SharePoint Server 2013 keyword syntax. This syntax may contain either the Keyword Query Language (KQL) or FAST Query Language (FQL). For information about constructing keyword queries, see the Building search queries in SharePoint 2013.

The KeywordQuery type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method KeywordQuery(ClientRuntimeContext)
Public method KeywordQuery(ClientRuntimeContext, ObjectPath)



  Name Description
Public property BlockDedupeMode Sets the de-duplication mode for result block ranking. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property BypassResultTypes Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the ResultTypes() obtained from the search results should be used or overridden. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property ClientType Specifies the name of the client which issued the query. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property CollapseSpecification Gets or sets criteria to use for collapsing search results.
Public property Context Returns the context that is associated with the client object. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property Culture Gets or sets the locale for the query. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property DesiredSnippetLength Gets or sets the preferred summary length. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property EnableInterleaving A Boolean value that specifies whether the ResultTable objects in the ResultTableCollection produced by running this query should be interleaved. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property EnableNicknames Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the exact terms in the search query are used to find matches, or if nicknames are used as well. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property EnableOrderingHitHighlightedProperty A Boolean value that specifies whether the hit highlighted properties should be ordered by hit highlighted terms. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property EnablePhonetic Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the phonetic forms of the query terms are used to find matches. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property EnableQueryRules A Boolean value that specifies whether Query Rules are enabled for this query.. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property EnableSorting A Boolean value that indicates whether the search results should be sorted.
Public property EnableStemming Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether stemming is enabled. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property GenerateBlockRankLog A Boolean value that specifies whether to return information on the rank log for the result block via the BlockRankLog property of the interleaved result table. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property HiddenConstraints Gets or sets the keyword query’s hidden constraints.
Public property HitHighlightedMultivaluePropertyLimit Gets or sets the multi-valued hit highlighted property limit. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property HitHighlightedProperties Gets the collection of hit highlighted properties for the query. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property IgnoreSafeQueryPropertiesTemplateUrl Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether the SafeQueryPropertiesTemplateUrl() property should be ignored. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property ImpressionID Gets or sets the identifier (ID) of the page impression. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property MaxSnippetLength Specifies the maximum length of the result summary. (Inherited from Query.)
Protected property ObjectData Gets the object data for the current client object. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property ObjectVersion Gets a string that indicates the version of the current client object. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property OLSQuerySession
Public property Path Tracks how a client object is created in the ClientRuntimeContext class so that the object can be recreated on the server. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property PersonalizationData Gets or sets the user personalization data for the current user who submitted the search query. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property ProcessBestBets A Boolean value that determines whether Best Bets are enabled. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property ProcessPersonalFavorites A Boolean value that determines whether personal favorites data is processed or not. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property Properties Gets the keyword query property bag.
Public property QueryTag Gets or sets any custom tags to be used to identify the query. Multiple tags are separated by semicolons. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property QueryTemplate Specifies the query template that is used at run time to transform the query based on user input. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property QueryTemplateParameters Represents the parameters in the query template. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property QueryText The query text of the search query. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property RankingModelId Gets or sets the identifier (ID) of the ranking model to use for the query. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property RefinementFilters Gets or sets the set of refinement filters used.
Public property Refiners Gets or sets the set of refiners to be returned in a search result. The value for each refiner is a format string that specifies the name of a refiner and optionally a set of refinement options for this refiner.
Public property ReorderingRules Gets or sets the collection of reordering rules (ReorderingRuleCollection).
Public property ResultsUrl Gets or sets the results page URL of the query. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property RowLimit Gets or sets the maximum number of rows returned in the search results, starting at the index specified by the StartRow property. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property RowsPerPage Gets or sets the number of search results to return per page. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property SafeQueryPropertiesTemplateUrl Specifies the location of the QueryProperties template. This property must be specified when issuing a query by a user who does not have UseRemoteAPIs() permission enabled. If the query will not run without UseRemoteAPIs() permission enabled, you can set the IgnoreSafeQueryPropertiesTemplateUrl() property to true instead. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property SelectProperties Gets a list of properties to return in the search results.
Public property ServerObjectIsNull Gets the server object and returns null if the server object is null. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property ShowPeopleNameSuggestions Specifies whether to generate name suggestions. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property SortList Gets the list of properties by which the search results are ordered.
Public property SourceId Specifies the identifier (ID) of the result source to be used to run the query. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property StartRow Gets or sets the first row included in the search results. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property SummaryLength Gets or sets the length of the search result summary. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property Tag Gets or sets data that is associated with the client object. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property Timeout Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, before the query request times out. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property TimeZoneId
Public property TotalRowsExactMinimum Used by the SearchPagingWebPart object to determine the minimum value required for rendering page links. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property TrimDuplicates Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the search query should run if the query text contains only noise words. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property TrimDuplicatesIncludeId Specifies the value associated with a collapse group, typically used when a user clicks the Duplicates (n) link of an item with duplicates.
Public property TypedObject Gets the object with the correct type information returned from the server. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property UILanguage Specifies the UI language. (Inherited from Query.)
Public property UseOLSQuery



  Name Description
Protected method CheckUninitializedProperty Checks to determine whether the specified value type property of a ClientObject has been initialized. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method CustomFromJson Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether custom code was used to populate an object. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method FromJson Indicates whether custom code was used to populate an object. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method GetQueryCompletions (Inherited from Query.)
Public method GetQuerySuggestionsWithResults Returns a list of query suggestions matching the search terms typed in the search box. (Inherited from Query.)
Protected method InitNonPropertyFieldFromJson Initializes a non-property field of the client object based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data from the server. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Protected method InitOnePropertyFromJson (Overrides Query.InitOnePropertyFromJson(String, JsonReader).)
Public method IsObjectPropertyInstantiated Indicates whether the specified property of the client object is instantiated. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method IsPropertyAvailable Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified scalar property has been retrieved or set. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Protected method LoadExpandoFields Initializes the extended properties associated with the client object when overridden in a derived class. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method RefreshLoad Reloads all scalar properties associated with the client object when overridden in a derived class. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Protected method RemoveFromParentCollection Removes the current client object from the parent client object collection. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method Retrieve() Retrieves all scalar properties associated with the object. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method Retrieve([]) Retrieves the specified scalar properties associated with the object. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method UpdateClientObjectPropertyType Updates the client object property's value to have correct type by using the type information returned from the server. (Inherited from ClientObject.)


See also


KeywordQuery class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Search.Query namespace