ColorFrame Class

Represents a color frame from the ColorFrameSource of a KinectSensor.


public ref class ColorFrame sealed : IClosable
public sealed class ColorFrame : IDisposable
var colorFrame = WindowsPreview.Kinect.ColorFrame;


ColorFrame has the following members.


Name Description
ColorCameraSettings Gets the color camera settings of the color frame.
ColorFrameSource Gets the source of the color frame.
FrameDescription Gets the description of the color frame.
RawColorImageFormat Gets the format of the color frame data.
RelativeTime Gets the timestamp of the color frame.


Name Description
Close Releases system resources associated with the color frame.
CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray Converts the raw format into the requested format and copies the data into the array provided.
CopyConvertedFrameDataToBuffer Converts the raw format into the requested format and copies the data into the memory location provided.
CopyRawFrameDataToArray Copies the raw frame data into the array provided.
CopyRawFrameDataToBuffer Copies raw frame data into the memory location provided.
CreateFrameDescription Creates a FrameDescription object for the ColorFrame of the requested format.
LockRawImageBuffer Gives an app access to the underlying buffer used by the system to store this frame's data.


Namespace: WindowsPreview.Kinect

Metadata: windowspreview.kinect.winmd

See also


WindowsPreview.Kinect Namespace