Get an Offer

To retrieve an offer resource, perform a GET on the Offer resource.


Method Request URI Description
GET https://{databaseaccount}{_rid-offer} Note that {databaseaccount} is the name of the Azure Cosmos DB account you created under your subscription. The {_rid-offer} value is the system-generated resource ID of the offer.


See Common Azure Cosmos DB REST request headers for headers that are used by all Cosmos DB requests.

When constructing the hashed signature for the master key token, the ResourceType should be "offers". The ResourceLink should be only the _rid of the offer you wish to retrieve. The value must be lowercase. For example, when performing a GET on, the ResourceLink in the master key token should be "ut2l".




Returns the requested offer resource.


See Common Azure Cosmos DB REST response headers for headers that are returned by all Cosmos DB responses.

Status codes

The following table lists common status codes returned by this operation. For a full list of status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.

HTTP status code Description
200 Ok The operation was successful.
404 Not Found The offer is no longer a resource, that is, the parent collection resource was deleted.


Property Description
offerVersion This value can be V1 for pre-defined throughput levels and V2 for user-defined throughput levels.
offerType This value indicates the performance level for V1 offer version, allowed values for V1 offer are S1, S2, or S3. This property is set to Invalid for V2 offer version.
content It contains information about the offer. For V2 offers, it contains the throughput of the collection.
resource When creating a new collection, this property is set to the self-link of the collection, for example, dbs/pLJdAA==/colls/pLJdAOlEdgA=/.
offerResourceId During creation of a collection, this property is automatically associated to the resource ID, that is, _rid of the collection. In the example above, the _rid for the collection is pLJdAOlEdgA=.
id It is a system-generated property. The ID for the offer resource is automatically generated when it is created. It has the same value as the _rid for the offer.
_rid It is a system-generated property. The resource ID (_rid) is a unique identifier that is also hierarchical per the resource stack on the resource model. It is used internally for placement and navigation of the offer.
_ts It is a system-generated property. It specifies the last updated timestamp of the resource. The value is a timestamp.
_self It is a system-generated property. It is the unique addressable URI for the resource.
_etag It is a system-generated property that specifies the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control.
  "offerVersion": "V2",  
  "offerType": "Invalid",  
  "content": {  
    "offerThroughput": 4000  
  "resource": "dbs/rgkVAA==/colls/rgkVAMHcJww=/",  
  "offerResourceId": "rgkVAMHcJww=",  
  "id": "uT2L",  
  "_rid": "uT2L",  
  "_self": "offers/uT2L/",  
  "_etag": "\"0000a600-0000-0000-0000-56fac0570000\"",  
  "_ts": 1459273815  


GET HTTP/1.1  
x-ms-date: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 17:50:18 GMT  
authorization: type%3dmaster%26ver%3d1.0%26sig%3dA9Y9JAZylsBHG%2bM1Rdb3PpzO3Fw7kMJbRUJ8Llh2kpo%3d  
Cache-Control: no-cache  
User-Agent: Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client/ samples-net/3  
x-ms-version: 2015-12-16  
Accept: application/json  
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok  
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache  
Pragma: no-cache  
Transfer-Encoding: chunked  
Content-Type: application/json  
Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0  
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000  
x-ms-last-state-change-utc: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 21:27:20.035 GMT  
etag: "0000a600-0000-0000-0000-56fac0570000"  
x-ms-schemaversion: 1.1  
x-ms-request-charge: 2  
x-ms-serviceversion: version=  
x-ms-activity-id: bfa5991d-46f5-4c40-b3f0-957fccd8df9e  
x-ms-session-token: M:8110  
x-ms-gatewayversion: version=  
x-ms-cosmos-min-throughput: 400 
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 17:50:18 GMT  
  "offerVersion": "V2",  
  "offerType": "Invalid",  
  "content": {  
    "offerThroughput": 4000  
  "resource": "dbs/rgkVAA==/colls/rgkVAMHcJww=/",  
  "offerResourceId": "rgkVAMHcJww=",  
  "id": "uT2L",  
  "_rid": "uT2L",  
  "_self": "offers/uT2L/",  
  "_etag": "\"0000a600-0000-0000-0000-56fac0570000\"",  
  "_ts": 1459273815  


To learn more about the maximum and minimum provisioned throughput that can be set on a container or a database, see the Provision throughput on containers and databases article.

Perform GET on the offer resource to retrieve the minimum throughput that could be set for a given container or a database. The response header x-ms-cosmos-min-throughput denotes the system determined minimum throughput.

See Also