Create folder classification request

Creates a request to classify a whole folder during off-peak hours by using the applied document understanding model. (For more information, see example.) This API can be used to classify a whole document library by creating a work item for its root folder.

HTTP request

POST /_api/machinelearning/workItems HTTP/1.1

URI Parameters


Request headers

Header Value
Accept application/json;odata=verbose
Content-Type application/json;odata=verbose;charset=utf-8
x-requestdigest The appropriate digest for current site

Request body

Name Type Description
_metadata string Set the object meta on the SPO. Always use the value: {"type": "Microsoft.Office.Server.ContentCenter.SPMachineLearningWorkItemEntityData"}.
TargetSiteId guid The ID of the site where the folder to classify is located. This can be omitted when TargetSiteUrl has a value.
TargetSiteUrl string The full URL of the site where the folder to classify is located. This can be omitted when TargeSiteId has a value.
TargetWebId guid The ID of the web where the folder to classify is located. This can be omitted when TargetWebServerRelativeUrl has a value.
TargetWebServerRelativeUrl string The server relative URL of the web where the folder to classify is located. This can be omitted when TargetWebId has a value.
TargetUniqueId guid The ID of the folder to classify. This can be omitted when TargetServerRelativeUrl has a value.
TargetServerRelativeUrl string The server relative URL of the folder to classify is located. This can be omitted when TargetUniqueId has a value.
IsFolder boolean The flag that indicates if what will be classified is a folder. Always set this to true for creating a folder classification work item.


Name Type Description
201 Created The response is customized. If there is failure, it could still return 201 Created. The caller should further check the response body to determine the exact result.

Response body

Name Type Description
StatusCode int The HTTP status code. If it’s not 200 or 201, the API should have failed.
ErrorMessage string The error message that tells what's wrong when apply the model to the document library.


Enqueue a request to classify a whole folder of ID "e6cff8b7-c90c-4564-b5b8-033449090932"

Sample request

    "__metadata": {
        "type": "Microsoft.Office.Server.ContentCenter.SPMachineLearningWorkItemEntityData"
    "TargetSiteId": "f686e63b-aba7-48e5-97c7-68c4c1df292f",
    "TargetWebId": "66d6b64d-6f88-4dd9-b3db-47e6f00c53e8",
    "TargetUniqueId": "e6cff8b7-c90c-4564-b5b8-033449090932",
    "IsFolder": true

Sample response

Status code: 201

    "ErrorMessage":  null,
    "StatusCode":  201

See also

Syntex document understanding model REST API