
We need to talk – bringing calling and messaging to your app with Azure Communication Services  

Azure Communication Services (now available in GA), is a fully managed communication platform that enables developers and organizations to securely build communications features and connected user experiences across applications running on any device. Azure Communication Services is ideal for any developer or organization seeking to build new ways to connect with users across different channels (mobile, web, desktop). Our set of SDKs and APIs enable developers and organizations to create and control the calling connections they need with interactive, collaborate audio and video calling over the internet. Or they can enable end-to-end communication scenarios with telephony and SMS capabilities that complement traditional engagement modalities with more personal, direct communication.

Come join us in this casual discussion for some insights into the product and cool demos. You will not be disappointed.


Mary Anne Noskowski
Mary Anne is a Program Manager on Azure Communication Services focusing on the developer experience and integrations within Azure, empowering developers to build interesting solutions for their customers. Feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn.

Shawn Henry
Shawn is a Principal Program Manager and has been on the Azure Communication Services team since its inception. Shawn has worked on platform and developer-facing features throughout his career. He is always looking for cool ways to connect different technologies to each other and making sure Azure Communication Services has the extensibility and flexibility necessary for our developer community. Connect with Shawn here: LinkedIn

Piyali Dey
Piyali is a computer scientist by training, and community activist by passion. She is currently a Program Manager on the Azure Communication Services team at Microsoft. Before joining this team, she has spent couple of years in building Microsoft Azure's developer communities across North America. Piyali is well-known among developers as an active community organizer and a relentless advocate for diversity and equality in tech. The past few years have seen her in various lead roles at major conferences and community groups including IEEE Women in Engineering, Grace Hopper Conference, Computer Research Association for Women and many more. You can find here on LinkedIn and Twitter.


Azure Communication Services