Create the infrastructure as code


The Azure Developer CLI (azd) can provision resources in Azure using infrastructure as code (IaC) files written in either Bicep or Terraform. Infrastructure as code allows you to define infrastructure resources and configurations in declarative definition files that reliably generate the same environments every time they're deployed. azd executes these files to create the Azure resources required to host your app. You can learn more about infrastructure as code in the What is infrastructure as code? documentation.

In this unit, you'll add Bicep code to your template to provision the necessary resources for your app. Previous knowledge of Bicep isn't required to complete this module. However, if you plan to work with azd templates extensively, it's a good idea to become familiar with at least the basics of Bicep or Terraform. Learn more about Bicep on the Fundamentals of Bicep training path.

The Bicep or Terraform files for your template live in the infra folder. The Bicep starter template you selected generated three files as a starting point:

  • main.bicep - Acts as the main entrypoint for Bicep execution and is used to define the resources that will be provisioned in Azure. The main.bicep file can also reference other Bicep modules (files) that allow you to extract out resource definitions into more granular, reusable files.
  • abbreviations.json - A JSON file that provides many helpful naming abbreviations. This file is loaded into the main.bicep file during execution and provides a set of consistent, logical naming prefixes for different Azure resources.
  • main.parameters.json - A JSON file that defines default values for important template parameters, such as the default Azure location or the environment name.

You can define and provision the required Azure resources for your app by updating the main.bicep file and creating more Bicep files. Main.bicep generally orchestrates the execution of other Bicep modules by passing parameters between them. For this example, you'll create an additional Bicep module to define the Azure App Service that will host your application.

  1. Inside of the infra folder of your template, create a new file called app.bicep.

  2. Open the app.bicep file and paste the following code snippet. The code comments describe the purpose of each section of code.

    // Define parameters that can be passed into the module
    // Parameters allow a module to be reusable
    @description('The location of where to deploy resources')
    param location string
    @description('The name of the App Service Plan')
    param appServicePlanName string
    @description('The name of the App Service')
    param appServiceName string
    // Define the App Service Plan to manage compute resources
    resource appServicePlan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2022-03-01' = {
      name: appServicePlanName
      location: location
      properties: {
        reserved: true
      sku: {
        name: 'F1'
      kind: 'linux'
    // Define the App Service to host the application
    resource appService 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-03-01' = {
      name: appServiceName
      location: location
      properties: {
        siteConfig: {
          linuxFxVersion: 'DOTNETCORE|6.0'
        // Tag used to reference the service in the Azure.yaml file
        tags: { 'azd-service-name': 'web' }

    The code snippet accomplishes the following tasks:

    • Defines a set of parameters that can be passed into the module to make it reusable and configurable. You could choose to parameterize more of the values in the resource definitions to make the module more flexible.
    • Defines an App Service Plan to manage the compute resources for App Service instances.
    • Defines the App Service to host the deployed application.


    A azd-service-name tag is included on the App Service Bicep definition that will be used later by the Azure.yaml configuration file to associate your a folder of your app source code with the App Service.

  3. The new Bicep module will create an App Service for your template, but you still need to update the main.bicep to use it. Locate the infra folder inside your editor and open the main.bicep file.

    The main.bicep file generated by the starter template includes helpful setup configurations for you. For example, the file defines essential parameters such as environmentName and location. By default these parameters will be populated from main.parameters.json if they're included in that file, but you can also override them. The starter code also loads in the abbreviations.json file so that it's available to work with, creates some useful tags and tokens for service naming, and includes useful comments with tips to help you get started.

  4. Towards the bottom of the main.bicep file, locate the comment that resembles the following:

    // Add resources to be provisioned below.
    // A full example that leverages azd bicep modules can be seen in the todo-python-mongo template:

    This placeholder comment highlights where to include any additional resources you want to provision. We want to include the Bicep module you create for the App Service, so paste the following code snippet directly after the comment:

    module web 'app.bicep' = {
      name: '${deployment().name}-app'
      scope: rg
      params: {
        location: location
        appServiceName: '${abbrs.webSitesAppService}${resourceToken}'
        appServicePlanName: '${abbrs.webServerFarms}${resourceToken}'

    The code snippet accomplishes the following tasks:

    • Defines a Bicep module that points to the file you created in the previous step.
    • Assigns a name to the Azure deployment set and scopes it to the resource group created in main.bicep.
    • Passes parameters into the module using the abbreviations.json values to assist with naming.

The infrastructure files for the app source code are now part of your template. In the next unit, you'll add configurations that describe the relationship between these pieces for the azd deployment process.