

Imagine that you're a new software developer at a firm that writes avionics software for commercial airliners. Quality control is critical, and developers work in small teams and use Git for version control. You already know some things about Git, and you've used it on your own locally to track your changes and fix mistakes. However, you know that version control is most useful for working on code with a team, and you want to get some practice!

You've already created a small website that you and your friends can use to practice Git by sharing pictures of your cats. You enlisted a couple friends who are software developers to help out.

You'll use Git to collaborate and keep track of changes (and who makes them); make sure nothing bad happens when two people change the same file; and keep all the source code files backed up.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Clone a repository
  • Push changes to a remote repository
  • Stash changes
  • Pull changes from other users to update a repository

