Exercise: Create a composed model


In this exercise, you'll create and train two custom models that analyze different tax forms. Then, you'll create a composed model that includes both of these custom models. You'll test the model by submitting a form and you'll check that it recognizes the document type and labeled fields correctly.

Run Cloud Shell

To start the exercise, let's connect to Cloud Shell, which you'll use to run the setup script:

  1. In the Azure portal, select the [>_] (Cloud Shell) button at the top of the page to the right of the search box. This opens a Cloud Shell pane at the bottom of the portal.

    Screenshot showing how to open Cloud Shell in the Azure portal.

  2. The first time you open the Cloud Shell, you might be prompted to choose the type of shell you want to use (Bash or PowerShell). Select Bash. If you don't see this option, skip the step.

  3. If you're prompted to create storage for your Cloud Shell, ensure your subscription is specified and select Create storage. Then wait a minute or so for the storage to be created.

  4. Make sure the type of shell indicated on the top left of the Cloud Shell pane is switched to Bash. If it is PowerShell, switch to Bash by using the drop-down menu.

  5. Wait for Bash to start.

Set up resources

We'll use a script to create the Azure AI Document Intelligence resource, a storage account with sample forms, and a resource group:

  1. In the Cloud Shell, to clone the code repository, enter this command:

    rm -r doc-intelligence -f
    git clone https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/mslearn-ai-document-intelligence doc-intelligence


    If you recently used this command in another lab to clone the doc-intelligence repository, you can skip this step.

  2. Change the 03-composed-model directory and then execute the setup script:

    cd doc-intelligence/Labfiles/03-composed-model/
    bash setup.sh

Create the 1040 Forms custom model

To create a composed model, we must first create two or more custom models. To create the first custom model:

  1. In a new browser tab, start the Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio.

  2. Scroll down, and then under Custom model, select Custom model.

  3. If you're asked to sign into your account, use your Azure credentials.

  4. If you're asked which Azure AI Document Intelligence resource to use, select the subscription and resource name you used when you created the Azure AI Document Intelligence resource.

  5. Under My Projects, select + Create a project.

  6. In the Project name textbox, type 1040 Forms, and then select Continue.

  7. On the Configure service resource page, in the Subscription drop-down list, select your Azure subscription.

  8. In the Resource group drop-down list, select DocumentIntelligenceResources.

  9. In the Azure AI Document Intelligence or Azure AI Service Resource drop-down list, select DocumentIntelligence

  10. In the API version drop-down list, ensure that 2022-06-30-preview is selected and then select Continue.

    Screenshot showing the Configure service resources page in Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio custom model wizard.

  11. On the Configure training data source page, in the Subscription drop-down list, select your Azure subscription.

  12. In the Resource group drop-down list, select DocumentIntelligenceResources.

  13. In the Storage account drop-down list, select the only storage account listed.

  14. In the Blob container drop-down list, select 1040examples, and then select Continue.

    Screenshot showing the Connect training data source page in Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio custom model wizard.

  15. In the Review and create page, select Create project.

Label the 1040 Forms custom model

Now, let's label the fields in the example forms:

  1. In the Label data page, in the top-right of the page, select +, and then select Field.

    Screenshot showing how to add a new label in Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio.

  2. Type FirstName and then press Enter.

  3. In the document, select John and then select FirstName.

    Screenshot showing how to complete a new label in Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio.

  4. In the top-right of the page, select +, and then select Field.

  5. Type LastName and then press Enter.

  6. In the document, select Doe and then select LastName.

  7. In the top-right of the page, select +, and then select Field.

  8. Type City and then press Enter.

  9. In the document, select Los Angeles and then select City.

  10. In the top-right of the page, select +, and then select Field.

  11. Type State and then press Enter.

  12. In the document, select CA and then select State.

  13. Repeat the labeling process for the remaining forms in the list on the left. Label the same four fields: FirstName, LastName, City, and State.


For the purposes of this exercise, we're using only five example forms and labeling only four fields. In your real-world models, you should use as many samples as possible to maximize the accuracy and confidence of your predictions. You should also label all the available fields in the forms, rather than just four fields.

Train the 1040 Forms custom model

Now that the sample forms are labeled, we can train the first custom model:

  1. In the Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio, select Train.
  2. In the Train a new model dialog, in the Model ID textbox, type 1040FormsModel.
  3. In the Build mode drop-down list, select Template, and then select Train.
  4. In the Training in progress dialog, select Go to Models.

Create the 1099 Forms custom model

Now, you must create a second model, which you'll train on example 1099 tax forms:

  1. In Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio, select Custom model.

  2. Under My Projects, select + Create a project.

  3. In the Project name textbox, type 1099 Forms, and then select Continue.

  4. On the Configure service resource page, in the Subscription drop-down list, select your Azure subscription.

  5. In the Resource group drop-down list, select DocumentIntelligenceResources.

  6. In the Azure AI Document Intelligence or Azure AI Service Resource drop-down list, select DocumentIntelligence

  7. In the API version drop-down list, ensure that 2022-06-30-preview is selected and then select Continue.

    Screenshot showing the Configure service resources page in Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio custom model wizard.

  8. On the Configure training data source page, in the Subscription drop-down list, select your Azure subscription.

  9. In the Resource group drop-down list, select DocumentIntelligenceResources.

  10. In the Storage account drop-down list, select the only storage account listed.

  11. In the Blob container drop-down list, select 1099examples, and then select Continue.

  12. In the Review and create page, select Create project.

Label the 1099 Forms custom model

Now, label the example forms with some fields:

  1. In the Label data page, in the top-right of the page, select +, and then select Field.
  2. Type FirstName and then press Enter.
  3. In the document, select John and then select FirstName.
  4. In the top-right of the page, select +, and then select Field.
  5. Type LastName and then press Enter.
  6. In the document, select Doe and then select LastName.
  7. In the top-right of the page, select +, and then select Field.
  8. Type City and then press Enter.
  9. In the document, select New Haven and then select City.
  10. In the top-right of the page, select +, and then select Field.
  11. Type State and then press Enter.
  12. In the document, select CT and then select State.
  13. Repeat the labeling process for the remaining forms in the list on the left. Label the same four fields: FirstName, LastName, City, and State.

Train the 1099 Forms custom model

You can now train the second custom model:

  1. In the Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio, select Train.
  2. In the Train a new model dialog, in the Model ID textbox, type 1099FormsModel.
  3. In the Build mode drop-down list, select Template, and then select Train.
  4. In the Training in progress dialog, select Go to Models.
  5. The training process can take a few minutes. Refresh the browser occasionally until both models display the succeeded status.

Create and assemble a composed model

The two custom models, which analyze 1040 and 1099 tax forms, are now complete. You can proceed to create the composed model:

  1. In the Azure AI Document Intelligence Models page, select both 1040FormsModel and 1099FormsModel.

  2. At the top of the list of models, select Compose.

    Screenshot showing how to begin composing a model in Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio.

  3. In the Compose a new model dialog, in the Model ID textbox, type TaxFormsModel and then select Compose. Azure AI Document Intelligence creates the composed model and displays it in the list of custom models:

Use the composed model

Now that the composed model is complete, let's test it with an example form:

  1. In the Azure portal, select All resources and then select the formsrecstorage<xxxxx> storage account, where <xxxxx> is a random number.

  2. Under Data storage select Containers and then select TestDoc.

  3. To the right of f1040_7.pdf, select ... and then select Download.

  4. Save the PDF document to your local computer and make a note of the saved location.

  5. In the Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio, select TaxFormsModel, and then select Test.

  6. Select + Add and then browse to the location where you saved the PDF document.

  7. Select f1040_7.pdf, and then select Open.

  8. Select Analyze. Azure AI Document Intelligence analyses the form by using the composed model.

    Screenshot showing how to use a composed model in Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio.

  9. The document you analyzed is an example of the 1040 tax form. Check the DocType property to see if the correct custom model has been used. Also check the FirstName, LastName, City, and State values identified by the model.

Clean up the exercise resources

Now that you've seen how composed models work, let's remove the resources you created in your Azure subscription.

  1. In the Azure portal, select Resource groups.
  2. In the list of Resource groups, select DocumentIntelligenceResources, and then select Delete resource group.
  3. In the TYPE THE RESOURCE GROUP NAME textbox, type DocumentIntelligenceResources and then select Delete to delete the Document Intelligence resource and the storage account.

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