Retrieve the results from a scheduled job in Windows PowerShell


Because scheduled jobs can run when Windows PowerShell isn't running, results are stored on disk in XML files. If you create a job by using the –MaxResultCount parameter, the shell automatically deletes old XML files to make room for new ones. This deletion ensures that no more XML files exist than were specified in the –MaxResultCount parameter.

After a scheduled job finishes, running Get-Job in Windows PowerShell displays the scheduled job's results as a job object.

Here's an example:

PS C:\> Get-Job

Id     Name      PSJobTypeName   State         HasMoreData     Location       Command
--     ----      -------------   -----         -----------     --------       -------
6      LocalDir  PSScheduledJob  Completed     True            localhost      Dir C:\

You can use Receive-Job to get a scheduled job's results. If you don't specify –Keep, you can receive a job's results only once per Windows PowerShell session. However, because the results are stored on disk, you can open a new Windows PowerShell session and receive the results again. For example:

PS C:\> Receive-Job -id 6 -Keep

    Directory: C:\

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name                    
----                -------------     ------ ----                    
d----         7/26/2021  12:33 AM            PerfLogs                
d-r--        11/28/2021   1:54 PM            Program Files           
d-r--        12/28/2021   2:22 PM            Program Files (x86)     
d----        11/16/2021   9:33 AM            reports                 
d----         9/18/2021   7:28 AM            Review                  
d----          1/5/2022   7:49 AM            scr                     
d----          1/5/2022   7:50 AM            scrx                    
d-r--         9/15/2021   8:16 AM            Users                   
d----        12/19/2021   3:24 AM            Windows                 
-a---          1/1/2022   9:39 AM    2892628 EventReport.html        
-a---          1/2/2022  12:37 PM         82 Get-DiskInfo.ps1        
-a---        12/30/2021  12:33 PM        246 test.ps1

Each time the scheduled job runs, Windows PowerShell creates a new job object to represent the results of the most recent job that ran. You can use Remove-Job to remove a job and delete its results file from disk, as the following example depicts:

PS C:\> Get-Job -id 6 | Remove-Job