Customize the indexing policy


In a solution with a large amount of throughput, it’s not uncommon to selectively optimize the number of paths indexed to reduce both the latency and RU charge of individual operations that create or modify an item. To accomplish this, you would need to create a container using a custom indexing policy.

Let’s start with a simple example JSON document. This document has multiple properties, but the goal is to only index the categoryName and name properties.

  "id": "8B363B8B-378E-402A-9E68-A935302000B8",
  "name": "HL Touring Frame - Yellow, 46",
  "categoryId": "F3FBB167-11D8-41E4-84B4-5AAA92B1E737",
  "categoryName": "Components, Touring Frames",
  "sku": "FR-T98Y-46",
  "price": 1003.91

In raw JSON, this indexing policy would start by excluding all possible paths, and then opt-in to only including the /name/? and /categoryName/? paths.

  "indexingMode": "consistent",
  "automatic": true,
  "includedPaths": [
      "path": "/name/?"
      "path": "/categoryName/?"
  "excludedPaths": [
      "path": "/*"


We are excluding all paths here for demonstration purposes. In general, it's much better to include all paths by default and only exclude specific paths.

The .NET SDK ships with a Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.IndexingPolicy class that is a representation of the typical JSON policy object. When creating a new instance of the class, you can immediately set the IndexingMode and Automatic properties much like their JSON counterparts. In this example, the indexing mode is set to consistent and automatic indexing is enabled.

IndexingPolicy policy = new ()
    IndexingMode = IndexingMode.Consistent,
    Automatic = true

The class also includes an ExcludedPaths collection with an Add method to add new object of type ExcludedPath. In this example, the /* path is added to the list of excluded paths.

    new ExcludedPath{ Path = "/*" }

Similarly, the class includes an IncludedPaths collection. This example illustrates the /name/? and /categoryName/? paths being added to the list of included paths.

    new IncludedPath{ Path = "/name/?" }
    new IncludedPath{ Path = "/categoryName/?" }

Once the indexing policy is configured, the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.ContainerProperties class is used to configure properties of a container such as a name, partition key path, and indexing policy. This class instance is then passed into the CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync method as the first parameter to create a new container with the custom indexing policy.

ContainerProperties options = new ()
    Id = "products",
    PartitionKeyPath = "/categoryId",
    IndexingPolicy = policy
Container container = await database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(options, throughput: 400);