Parse complex data types with Azure Stream Analytics queries


Azure Stream Analytics support processing events in CSV, JSON, and Avro data formats. Both JSON and Avro data can be structured and contain some complex types such as nested objects (records) and arrays.

Record data types

Record data types are used to represent JSON and Avro arrays when corresponding formats are used in the input data streams. These examples demonstrate a sample sensor, which is reading input events in JSON format. Here is example of a single event:

    "DeviceId" : "12345",
    "Location" :
        "Lat": 47,
        "Long": 122
    "SensorReadings" :
        "Temperature" : 80,
        "Humidity" : 70,
        "CustomSensor01" : 5,
        "CustomSensor02" : 99,
        "SensorMetadata" : 

Access nested fields in known schema

Use dot notation (.) to easily access nested fields directly from your query. For example, this query selects the Latitude and Longitude coordinates under the Location property in the preceding JSON data. The dot notation can be used to navigate multiple levels as shown below.

FROM input

Select all properties

You can select all the properties of a nested record using '*' wildcard. Consider the following example:

SELECT input.Location.*
FROM input

The result is:

    "Lat" : 47,
    "Long" : 122

Access nested fields when property name is a variable

Use the GetRecordPropertyValue function if the property name is a variable.

For example, imagine a sample data stream needs to be joined with reference data containing thresholds for each device sensor. A snippet of such reference data is shown below.

    "DeviceId" : "12345",
    "SensorName" : "Temperature",
    "Value" : 75

FROM input      -- stream input
JOIN thresholds -- reference data input
    input.DeviceId = thresholds.DeviceId
    GetRecordPropertyValue(input.SensorReadings, thresholds.SensorName) > thresholds.Value
    -- the where statement selects the property value coming from the reference data

Convert record fields into separate events

To convert record fields into separate events, use the APPLY operator together with the GetRecordProperties function. For example, if the previous example had several records for SensorReading, the following query could be used to extract them into different events:

FROM input as event
CROSS APPLY GetRecordProperties(event.SensorReadings) AS sensorReading

Array data types

Array data types are an ordered collection of values. Some typical operations on array values are detailed below. These examples assume the input events have a property named "arrayField" that is an array datatype.

These examples use the functions GetArrayElement, GetArrayElements, GetArrayLength, and the APPLY operator.

Working with a specific array element

Select array element at a specified index (selecting the first array element):

    GetArrayElement(arrayField, 0) AS firstElement
FROM input

Select array length

    GetArrayLength(arrayField) AS arrayLength
FROM input

Convert array elements into separate events

Select all array element as individual events. The APPLY operator together with the GetArrayElements built-in function extracts all array elements as individual events:

FROM input as event
CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(event.arrayField) AS arrayElement