Describe elements of a dependency management strategy


There are many aspects of a dependency management strategy.

  • Standardization Managing dependencies benefit from a standardized way of declaring and resolving them in your codebase.
    Standardization allows a repeatable, predictable process and usage that can be automated as well.

  • Package formats and sources The distribution of dependencies can be performed by a packaging method suited for your solution's dependency type.
    Each dependency is packaged using its usable format and stored in a centralized source.
    Your dependency management strategy should include the selection of package formats and corresponding sources where to store and retrieve packages.

  • Versioning Just like your own code and components, the dependencies in your solution usually evolve.
    While your codebase grows and changes, you need to consider the changes in your dependencies as well.
    It requires a versioning mechanism for the dependencies to be selective of the version of a dependency you want to use.