

The space industry is rapidly expanding due to the increasing number of satellites in space and the growing investments in space companies. However, there are still barriers to entry for satellite operators who want to provide insights from earth observation satellites; specifically, the high cost to build or negotiate access to ground stations.

Azure Orbital Ground Station addresses this barrier by providing pay-as-you-go access to a global network of ground stations for satellite operators. AO Ground Station allows satellite operators to store, process, and analyze data on the Azure Cloud and access other Azure Space Partner offerings to provide a powerful managed service to their end customer.

Microsoft’s Azure Orbital makes this process easy. With a user-friendly interface, operators can register their spacecraft, set up a contact profile, and schedule a contact to uplink or downlink data. Once this data has reached its endpoint, you can process, analyze, and apply it in various use cases. From assessing flood risk, to detecting undisclosed nuclear plants, to more accurate and timely monitoring of natural disasters, there are many powerful applications for earth-observation data.