Create intelligent object placements with solvers


Wouldn't it be convenient if the options that are most important to you appeared in menus that followed you around, rather than being stuck in place? You would no longer have to search for the menu every time.

The Mixed Reality Toolkit provides this feature, called solvers. Solvers calculate an object's position and orientation by using predefined algorithms. Solvers provide a wide range of behavior to attach objects to other objects or systems. For example, a solver can be a tag-along object that appears in front of you (based on the camera), every time you move.

A Directional Indicator is another type of solver. You use it when you want to help tag-along components orient themselves to the desired direction of the object in space.

Another good solver to know about is the Tap To Place component, which helps you place an object over a surface. This component is valuable when you want to place objects on the spatial mesh.

Solvers have a vast number of uses. Based on your requirements, you can use different solvers. To choose which solver you need, be clear about how your components must function, and then select the solver that most closely meets those requirements. You can add solvers by using the Add Component button in the Inspector window.