Exercise - Call an API with a subscription key


A subscription key is one way to restrict access to an API.

In the shoe company example, NorthWind Shoes are working with a supplier and want them to directly access the Inventory API. Partner access must be restricted using a subscription key for all calls to the API.

Here, you obtain a subscription key for your API. Then, you test access to the API with and without the subscription key.

Obtain subscription key

Partners are given their key as part of an onboarding process. In this exercise, you add a subscription specifically for the NorthWindShoes API. Once you've got a key, you follow a standard process for using the key in API calls.

  1. On the Azure portal menu or from the Home page, select All resources, and then select your API Management instance.

  2. In the left menu pane, under APIs, select Subscriptions.

  3. Select + Subscription, and enter the following values for each setting. Then select Create.

    Setting Value
    Name NorthWind
    Display name NorthWind subscription
    Scope Select API, and then select NorthWindShoes Products from the dropdown list.
  4. Select the context menu (...) for the Northwind subscription, and then select Show/hide keys.

  5. Select the Click to copy button for the PRIMARY KEY.

  6. Save this key somewhere, such as Notepad.

Use subscription key in API call

The next step is to use the subscription key to test developer access to your published API.

  1. Run the following command in Cloud Shell to access the Products operation in your API, replacing <apim gateway> with the name of your gateway.

    curl https://<apim gateway>.azure-api.net/api/Products

    You get a 401, Access denied due to missing subscription key message.

  2. Now repeat your curl request, this time including your subscription key.

  3. Run the following command in Cloud Shell, replacing <primary key> with the key you saved earlier, and replacing <apim gateway> with the name of your gateway.

    curl --header "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <primary key>" https://<apim gateway>.azure-api.net/api/Products

    You should now be able to access the API, and see a list of products returned to the console.