Add output to Windows PowerShell scripts


When a script isn't operating as you expected, it can be useful to have the script display additional information. You can use that information to understand what the script is doing and why it's not operating as expected.

The Write-Host cmdlet is the most common way to display additional information while a script is running. You can use Write-Host to display text information that indicates specific points in a script and variable values. Variable values can be useful in most cases when a script isn't behaving as you expect it to behave, because a variable doesn't have a value that you expect.

If you want to make your troubleshooting text more easily identifiable, you can use the Write-Warning cmdlet instead of Write-Host. Write-Warning displays the text you specify in an alternate color.

If you want to slow down the running of a script to enable you to review the output better, you can add a Start-Sleep cmdlet and specify a few seconds to pause. Alternatively, if you want the script to pause until you're ready for it to continue, you can use Read-Host.

While you're in the process of troubleshooting, you can comment out the additional information. Then, if required, you can uncomment it to review the additional information again.

Advanced script output

If you've configured your script as an advanced script by using CmdletBinding() in the Param() block, you can also use the cmdlets in the following table as part of your script for troubleshooting.

Table 1: Cmdlets for troubleshooting

Cmdlet Description
Write-Verbose Text specified by Write-Verbose is displayed only when you use the -Verbose parameter when running the script. The value of $VerbosePreference specifies the action to take after the Write-Verbose command. The default action is SilentlyContinue.
Write-Debug Text specified by Write-Debug is displayed only when you use the -Debug parameter when running the script. The value of $DebugPreference specifies the action to take after the Write-Debug command. The default action is SilentlyContinue, which displays no information to screen. You need to change this action to Continue so that debug messages are displayed.