Assess query performance with the Query Store


The Query Store feature is often a more effective method than pg_stat_statements for monitoring query performance and is recommended as the primary method to monitor query performance.

Enable the Query Store

Query Store isn't enabled by default, but can be turned on globally or on a per-database basis. You should also enable wait statistics. To enable Query Store and wait statistics, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Azure portal and select your Azure Database for PostgreSQL server.

  2. Select Server parameters and navigate to the pg_qs.query_capture_mode setting.

  3. Select TOP.

    Screenshot of settings to turn on the Query Store.

  4. Navigate to pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode, select ALL, and select Save.

    Screenshot of settings to turn on pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode.

Access information in the Query Store

To access the data in the Query Store, you should query system views in the azure_sys database. The following system views are available:

  • query_store.qs_view returns query information including blocks, runtime, and query text.
  • query_store.pgms_wait_sampling_view returns wait times for queries.
  • query_store.query_texts_view returns the query text of queries.
  • query_store.runtime_stats_view returns runtime statistics information.

Resetting the Query Store

If you want to clear all the data in the Query Store, you can call the qs_reset function. Alternatively you can truncate the tables in the azure_sys database, in the query_store schema.

For more information on the Query Store, see Monitor performance with the Query Store.