Lab - Use interfaces in TypeScript


In this lab, you'll convert some JavaScript code to strongly typed code using interfaces.

The JavaScript code contains two functions: calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment, which calculates the payment for an interest only loan, and calculateConventionalLoanPayment, which calculates the payment for a conventional loan. As with most loan calculations, both functions accept principal and interestRate parameters. The difference between them is that the calculateConventionalLoanPayment function accepts a third property, months that the calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment function does not.

Property Description
principal The principal amount of the loan.
interestRate The annual interest rate of the loan. For example, 5% is specified as 5.
months The term of the loan specified in months. An interest only loan does not require this property because the number of months is irrelevant (the loan will never be repaid when an interest only payment is made each month.)

In this exercise, you will:

  1. Declare an interface called Loan that defines two properties, principal and interestRate.
  2. Declare an interface called ConventionalLoan that extends Loan, and defines the additional property required for a conventional loan, months.
  3. Update the two functions to implement the new interfaces and strongly type the parameters.

Exercise 1 - Declare the interfaces

  1. Clone the starting repository by entering the following at the command prompt.

    git clone
    cd mslearn-typescript/code/module-03/m03-start
    code .
  2. Open the file module03.ts.

  3. Locate TODO: Declare the Loan interface. Declare an interface called Loan that defines two properties, principal and interestRate, each as a number.

    interface Loan {
        principal: number,
        interestRate: number    //* Interest rate percentage (eg. 14 is 14%)
  4. Locate TODO: Declare the ConventionalLoan interface. Declare an interface called ConventionalLoan that extends Loan, and defines the additional property required for a conventional loan, months, as a number.

    interface ConventionalLoan extends Loan {
        months: number      //* Total number of months

Exercise 2 - Implement the interfaces

  1. Locate TODO: Update the calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment function. Replace the two parameters in the calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment function with an object of type Loan (for example, loanTerms: Loan), and enter the return value of the function as a string.

    function calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment(loanTerms: Loan): string {
       // ...
  2. You'll notice a couple of errors because TypeScript does not recognize the parameters interestRate and principal. Replace the parameter names in the function with properties of the Loan object. (For example, loanTerms.interestRate).

    function calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment(loanTerms: Loan): string {
        // Calculates the monthly payment of an interest only loan
        let interest = loanTerms.interestRate / 1200;   // Calculates the Monthly Interest Rate of the loan
        let payment;
        payment = loanTerms.principal * interest;
        return 'The interest only loan payment is ' + payment.toFixed(2);
  3. Enter the interest and payment variables in the calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment function as numbers.

  4. Test the calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment function to verify that it is working correctly. Remember that you must now pass the parameters to the function in the form of a Loan object.

    let interestOnlyPayment = calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment({principal: 30000, interestRate: 5});
    console.log(interestOnlyPayment);     //* Returns "The interest only loan payment is 125.00" 
  5. Locate TODO: Update the calculateConventionalLoanPayment function. Update the calculateConventionalLoanPayment function, this time replacing the three parameters with an object of type ConventionalLoan, and enter the return value of the function as a string. Make any remaining updates to the implementation of the calculateConventionalLoanPayment function.

    function calculateConventionalLoanPayment(loanTerms: ConventionalLoan): string {
       // Calculates the monthly payment of a conventional loan
       let interest: number = loanTerms.interestRate / 1200;   // Calculates the Monthly Interest Rate of the loan
       let payment: number;
       payment = loanTerms.principal * interest / (1 - (Math.pow(1/(1 + interest), loanTerms.months)));
       return 'The conventional loan payment is ' + payment.toFixed(2);
  6. Test the calculateConventionalLoanPayment function to verify that it is working correctly. Remember that you must now pass the parameters to the function in the form of a ConventionalLoan object.

    let conventionalPayment = calculateConventionalLoanPayment({principal: 30000, interestRate: 5, months: 180});
    console.log(conventionalPayment);     //* Returns "The conventional loan payment is 237.24" 

Lab solution

View the final version of the code by entering the following at the command prompt.

cd ../m03-end
code .

Open the file module03.ts to see the solution to this lab. See the Lab setup section above for more information about setting up your development environment to run the solution.