

You've built Power BI reports and they're running slow. How do you identify the source of the problem? The report could be slow because of issues at the source, the structure of the data model, the visuals on the report page, or the environment.

Optimizing performance in the context of this module means making changes to the data model so that it runs more efficiently. The tools we're discussing in this module will help you troubleshoot and improve the data model, which ultimately improves user experience.

Ideally, you should assess performance as you move through the stages of the development lifecycle; development, testing, production, and optimization of your solutions.

In this module you'll learn how to use tools to optimize a data model, and which tools are useful in which scenarios.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Optimize queries using Performance analyzer.
  • Troubleshoot DAX performance using DAX Studio.
  • Optimize a data model using Tabular Editor.