InkOverlay.CursorButtonUp event

Occurs when the InkCollector detects a cursor button that is up.


void CursorButtonUp(
  [in] IInkCursor       *Cursor,
  [in] IInkCursorButton *Button


Cursor [in]

The IInkCursor Interface object that generated the CursorButtonUp event.

Button [in]

The button that was released.

Return value

This event does not return a value.


A button on a pen tip is up when the user completes a stroke and lifts the pen from the digitizer. A button on a barrel is up when the button is not pressed.

When you release the right mouse button, you actually receive two CursorButtonUp events - one for right button up and one for left button up.

This event method is defined in the _IInkCollectorEvents, _IInkOverlayEvents, and _IInkPictureEvents dispatch-only interfaces (dispinterfaces) with an ID of DISPID_ICECursorButtonUp.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
None supported
Msinkaut.h (also requires Msinkaut_i.c)

See also

InkOverlay Class

CursorButtonDown Event

CursorDown Event

IInkCursor Interface

IInkCursorButton Interface