Importer le connecteur de services web

Lorsque l’opération de configuration du serveur d’importation qui contient l’agent de gestion des services web (MA) se termine avec l’erreur « Impossible de récupérer les paramètres de configuration à partir de l’extension », les fichiers de configuration exportés doivent être vérifiés.

L’erreur est due à une limitation dans le service de synchronisation. Le service ne peut pas importer la configuration du serveur avec l’assistant de gestion des services web et retourne l’erreur « Impossible de récupérer les paramètres de configuration de l’extension ». Dans certains cas, l’authentification ma des services web peut contenir des paramètres non valides qui doivent être corrigés.

Pour résoudre le problème

  1. Copiez les fichiers de configuration du serveur dans le serveur de destination.

  2. Sur le serveur de destination, copiez le script PowerShell WebServiceMA_apply_before_import_server_configuration.ps1 dans le dossier qui contient les fichiers exportés pour la configuration du serveur.

  3. Exécutez le script PowerShell WebServiceMA_apply_before_import_server_configuration.ps1.

Script PowerShell

# --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
# <copyright file="WebServiceMA_apply_before_import_server_configuration.ps1" company="Microsoft"> 
# Copyright (c). All rights reserved. 
# </copyright> 

# --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
# If the script doesn't work, check the ExecutionPolicy
# by using the following commands: 
#    - Get-ExecutionPolicy 
#    - Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned 

function Get-MIMInstallationPath { 


  Get the installation path of MIM from the Windows registry.


  Get the installation path of MIM from the Windows registry: 

       Forefront Identity Manager\2010\Synchronization Service\ 

  and the paramter Location. 


  $path = Get-MIMInstallationPath 

    $MIMpath = Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Forefront Identity Manager\2010\Synchronization Service\" 

    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message 
    throw "Get-MIMInstallationPath exception: $ErrorMessage" 

  Write-Output "$($MIMpath.Location)Synchronization Service\Extensions\" 


function Get-WsconfigFilesNamesFromExtensionsFolder([string] $path) { 


  Get the comma-separated list of *.wsconfig files from Extensions folder. 


  Get the comma-separated list of *.wsconfig files from Extensions folder. 

  .PARAMETER path 

  The path to the Extensions folder that contains the *.wsconfig files. 


  $wsconfigFiles = Get-WsconfigFilesNamesFromExtensionsFolder("./") 

 if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path) ) 

    throw "Get-WsconfigFilesNamesFromExtensionsFolder error: the input variable Path cannot be empty." 

    $files = Get-ChildItem $path -filter "*.wsconfig" -name | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace ".wsconfig", ""} 

    $wsconfigFiles=$files -join "," 

    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message 

    Write-Host "Get-WsconfigFilesNamesFromExtensionsFolder exception: $ErrorMessage" 
    Write-Output "" 

  Write-Output $wsconfigFiles 


function Set-AvailableWebServiceProjects([string] $path) { 



  Patch exported wsconfig files for Web Service project management agent. 


  The script tries to find the config files of Web Service management agents and tries to fix Web Service project configuration parameter. 

  .PARAMETER path 

  The path to the folder that contains the exported config files of management agents.


  $count = Set-AvailableWebServiceProjects("./") 


  if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path) ) 

    throw "Set-AvailableWebServiceProjects: path variable is empty" 


    $files = Get-ChildItem $path -filter "MA-{*}.xml" -name 

    foreach ($file in $files)  
      [xml]$xmlConfig = Get-Content $file 

      $connectorName = $xmlConfig."saved-ma-configuration"."ma-data"."ma-listname" 

      if($connectorName -ne "Web Service (Microsoft)" ) 

      $parameters = $xmlConfig."saved-ma-configuration"."ma-data"."private-configuration"."MAConfig"."parameter-definitions" 
     $target = ($parameters."parameter"|where {$ -eq "Web Service project" -and $_.use -eq "connectivity" -and $_.type -eq "drop-down"})          

      if($target -eq $null) 


     $extensionsFolderPath = Get-MIMInstallationPath 
     $wsconfigFiles = Get-WsconfigFilesNamesFromExtensionsFolder($extensionsFolderPath)

     if($wsconfigFiles -eq '') 

     $target.validation = [string]$wsconfigFiles   
     $defaultConfig = $wsconfigFiles.Split("{,}") 
     $target."default-value" = $defaultConfig[0] 
     $fileFullPath = "$path$file" 
     Set-ItemProperty $fileFullPath -name IsReadOnly -value $false 
     Set-ItemProperty $fileFullPath -name IsReadOnly -value $true 

   $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message 

   throw "Set-AvailableWebServiceProjects exception: $ErrorMessage" 
  Write-Output $countPatchedFiles 

####              Main                #### 


  $currentFolder = (Get-Location).path + "\" 

  $countPatchedFiles = Set-AvailableWebServiceProjects($currentFolder) 

  Write-Host "Count of patched Web Service config files:" $countPatchedFiles 
  $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message 
  Write-Host "The script was run with excetion: $ErrorMessage" 

[void](Read-Host 'Press Enter to exit…') 

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