

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing our world and there’s hardly an industry that hasn't been affected. From better healthcare to online safety, AI is helping us to tackle some of society’s biggest issues.

Azure AI services are a portfolio of AI capabilities that unlock automation for workloads in language, vision, intelligent search, content generation, and much more. They are straightforward to implement and don’t require specialist AI knowledge.

Organizations are using Azure AI services in innovative ways, such as within robots to provide life-like companionship to older people by expressing happiness, concern, and even laughter. In other use cases, scientists are using AI to protect endangered species by identifying hard-to-find animals in images. This was previously time-consuming and error-prone work, which the Azure AI Vision service can complete quickly and with a high degree of accuracy, freeing scientists to do other work.

In this module you will learn what Azure AI services are, and how you can use them in your own applications.