Tutorial 3 - Weekly insight on revenue target achieved


You'll need either a trial environment or a sandbox environment with Sales Insights to complete these tutorials.


To create a revenue insight, which shows up each week on the dashboard for all users.

Step 1: Set a weekly recurrence trigger for the flow

Let's choose the same trigger as before, but this time, tweak the values to make it run once a week.

Recurrence dialog with Interval set to 1 and Frequency set to Week.

Step 2: Get all users in the org

Let's also use the same action as before to get the list of users from your Dynamics 365 organization.

List records action with Environment set to assistantstudio and table Name set to Users.

Now for each user we'll get the opportunities they own and compute the total revenue obtained for all opportunities closed in the last week.

To do this step, we need to add a new action, such as List records and fetch the opportunities.

We use two additional columns in this case:

  • Aggregation transformation: Used to add the revenue for all the opportunities returned. We use aggregate(actualvalue with sum as actualvalue).

  • Filter query: Provides the capability to filter out some of the data based on some conditions. In our case, we want to get the opportunities closed in the last week and owned by the current user. The condition is a mix of text, expressions, and dynamic content as in the earlier examples:

    actualclosedate le ***expression1*** and actualclosedate ge ***expression2*** and \_ownerid\_value eq ***dynamicContent***

In this example, we're using the following values:

  • expression1 as utcNow()

  • expression2 as addDays(utcNow(), -7)

  • dynamicContent as User

The Filter Query is set to actualclosedate le utcNow() and actualclosedate ge addDays(...) and _ownerid_value eq User.

Step 3: Create the insights card

Let's create the card, Select Add an action, and add the Create card for assistant action. Fill in the required values.

Apply to each with List records action, and then Apply to each 2 with Create card for assistant action.

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