Condividi tramite

EventsTab Classe


Fornisce un oggetto PropertyTab in grado di visualizzare gli eventi per la selezione e il collegamento.

public ref class EventsTab : System::Windows::Forms::Design::PropertyTab
public class EventsTab : System.Windows.Forms.Design.PropertyTab
type EventsTab = class
    inherit PropertyTab
Public Class EventsTab
Inherits PropertyTab


Nell'esempio di codice seguente viene fornito un esempio EventsTabdi . Quando selezionata, vengono EventsTab elencati gli eventi in un componente in ordine di tipo delegato.

#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Binary;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms::Design;

ref class TypeEventsTab;

// This component adds a TypeEventsTab to the Properties Window.

public ref class TypeEventsTabComponent: public Component


// This example events tab lists events by their delegate type.
      (System::Security::Permissions::SecurityAction::InheritanceDemand, Name="FullTrust")]
      (System::Security::Permissions::SecurityAction::Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
public ref class TypeEventsTab: public System::Windows::Forms::Design::EventsTab

   // This string contains a Base-64 encoded and serialized example 
   // property tab image.

   String^ img;
   IServiceProvider^ sp;

   TypeEventsTab( IServiceProvider^ sp )
      : EventsTab( sp )
      this->sp = sp;
      String^ s = "AAEAAAD/////AQAAAAAAAAAMAgAAAFRTeXN0ZW0uRHJhd2luZywgVmVyc2lvbj0xLjAuMzMwMC4w"
      img = s;

   // Returns the properties of the specified component extended with a 
   // CategoryAttribute reflecting the name of the type of the property.
   virtual System::ComponentModel::PropertyDescriptorCollection^ GetProperties( ITypeDescriptorContext^ /*context*/, Object^ component, array<System::Attribute^>^attributes ) override
      // Obtain an instance of the IEventBindingService.
      IEventBindingService^ eventPropertySvc = dynamic_cast<IEventBindingService^>(sp->GetService( IEventBindingService::typeid ));
      // Return if an IEventBindingService could not be obtained.
      if ( eventPropertySvc == nullptr )
            return gcnew PropertyDescriptorCollection( nullptr );

      // Obtain the events on the component.
      EventDescriptorCollection^ events = TypeDescriptor::GetEvents( component, attributes );

      // Create an array of the events, where each event is assigned 
      // a category matching its type.
      array<EventDescriptor^>^newEvents = gcnew array<EventDescriptor^>(events->Count);
      for ( int i = 0; i < events->Count; i++ )
         array<Attribute^>^temp = {gcnew CategoryAttribute( events[ i ]->EventType->FullName )};
         newEvents[ i ] = TypeDescriptor::CreateEvent( events[ i ]->ComponentType, events[ i ], temp );
      events = gcnew EventDescriptorCollection( newEvents );

      // Return event properties for the event descriptors.
      return eventPropertySvc->GetEventProperties( events );

   property String^ TabName 
      // Provides the name for the event property tab.
      virtual String^ get() override
         return "Events by Type";

   property System::Drawing::Bitmap^ Bitmap 
      // Provides an image for the event property tab.
      virtual System::Drawing::Bitmap^ get() override
         System::Drawing::Bitmap^ bmp = gcnew System::Drawing::Bitmap( DeserializeFromBase64Text( img ) );
         return bmp;


   // This method can be used to retrieve an Image from a block of 
   // Base64-encoded text.
   Image^ DeserializeFromBase64Text( String^ text )
      Image^ img = nullptr;
      array<Byte>^memBytes = Convert::FromBase64String( text );
      IFormatter^ formatter = gcnew BinaryFormatter;
      MemoryStream^ stream = gcnew MemoryStream( memBytes );
      img = dynamic_cast<Image^>(formatter->Deserialize( stream ));
      return img;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

namespace EventsTabExample
    // This component adds a TypeEventsTab to the Properties Window.
    [PropertyTabAttribute(typeof(TypeEventsTab), PropertyTabScope.Document)]
    public class TypeEventsTabComponent : Component
        public TypeEventsTabComponent()

    // This example events tab lists events by their delegate type.
    public class TypeEventsTab : System.Windows.Forms.Design.EventsTab
        // This string contains a Base-64 encoded and serialized example 
        // property tab image.
        private string img = "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";
        private IServiceProvider sp;

        public TypeEventsTab(IServiceProvider sp) : base(sp)
            this.sp = sp;

        // Returns the properties of the specified component extended with a 
        // CategoryAttribute reflecting the name of the type of the property.
        public override System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection
            GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object component,
            System.Attribute[] attributes)
            // Obtain an instance of the IEventBindingService.
            IEventBindingService eventPropertySvc = (IEventBindingService)

            // Return if an IEventBindingService could not be obtained.
            if (eventPropertySvc == null)
                return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);

            // Obtain the events on the component.
            EventDescriptorCollection events =
                TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(component, attributes);

            // Create an array of the events, where each event is assigned 
            // a category matching its type.
            EventDescriptor[] newEvents = new EventDescriptor[events.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < events.Count; i++)
                newEvents[i] = TypeDescriptor.CreateEvent(events[i].ComponentType, events[i],
                    new CategoryAttribute(events[i].EventType.FullName));
            events = new EventDescriptorCollection(newEvents);

            // Return event properties for the event descriptors.
            return eventPropertySvc.GetEventProperties(events);

        // Provides the name for the event property tab.
        public override string TabName
                return "Events by Type";

        // Provides an image for the event property tab.
        public override System.Drawing.Bitmap Bitmap
                Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(DeserializeFromBase64Text(img));
                return bmp;

        // This method can be used to retrieve an Image from a block of 
        // Base64-encoded text.
        private Image DeserializeFromBase64Text(string text)
            Image img = null;
            byte[] memBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(text);
            IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(memBytes);
            img = (Image)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
            return img;



Inizializza una nuova istanza della classe EventsTab.



Ottiene l'immagine bitmap visualizzata per l'oggetto PropertyTab.

(Ereditato da PropertyTab)

Ottiene o imposta la matrice di componenti a cui è associata la scheda di proprietà.

(Ereditato da PropertyTab)

Ottiene la parola chiave della Guida per la scheda.


Ottiene il nome della scheda.



Ottiene un valore che indica se è possibile estendere l'oggetto specificato.


Libera tutte le risorse utilizzate dall'oggetto PropertyTab.

(Ereditato da PropertyTab)

Rilascia le risorse non gestite usate da PropertyTab e, facoltativamente, le risorse gestite.

(Ereditato da PropertyTab)

Determina se l'oggetto specificato è uguale all'oggetto corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Ottiene la proprietà predefinita dall'oggetto specificato.


Funge da funzione hash predefinita.

(Ereditato da Object)
GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext, Object, Attribute[])

Ottiene tutte le proprietà della scheda relativa all'evento che corrispondono agli attributi e al contesto specificati.


Ottiene le proprietà del componente specificato.

(Ereditato da PropertyTab)
GetProperties(Object, Attribute[])

Ottiene tutte le proprietà della scheda relativa all'evento che corrispondono agli attributi specificati.


Ottiene l'oggetto Type dell'istanza corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Crea una copia superficiale dell'oggetto Object corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Restituisce una stringa che rappresenta l'oggetto corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Si applica a