

Redis is an open-source, BSD licensed, in-memory data store that improves the speed and scalability of applications. Azure Cache for Redis offers a fully managed, secure Redis database, cache, and message broker that provides high throughput and low latency access to application data.

In this module, you learn about the main Redis use cases, and how to create and configure an Azure Cache for Redis instance. You develop a Spring Boot application that uses Azure Cache for Redis to store business and session data. You then use Maven and Azure App Service to deploy and run your application in the cloud.

Learning goals

  • Describe and differentiate the main Azure Cache for Redis use cases.
  • Configure a Spring Boot application to cache business objects through Spring Data Redis.
  • Use Spring Session to store and replicate HTTP session data between server nodes.


  • Familiarity with developing and running Java applications.
  • A Java JDK installed.
  • A development environment with all necessary tools for building and running Java and Spring Boot applications.
  • The Azure CLI installed.
  • Access to an Azure subscription. If you don't have one, create an account for free.
  • Beginner-level experience with Azure cloud infrastructure.