

In this module, you'll create a cross-platform ASP.NET Core Razor Pages web app with .NET and C#.

Example Scenario

Suppose you're an employee of a pizza company named Contoso Pizza. Your manager has asked you to develop a pizza inventory management page as a prerequisite for the company's internal admin website. The app should be built in such a way that the view and data model concerns are separated.

What will you be doing?

In this module, you will:

  • Understand when and why to use Razor Pages for your ASP.NET Core app.
  • Review an existing ASP.NET Core app that uses Razor Pages.
  • Create a new Razor Page that supports the app's product data management requirements.
  • Use tag helpers to reduce the context switching between HTML and C#.
  • Use Razor Page handlers to handle HTTP requests.

At the end of this module, there are links to content providing deeper dives for each feature area introduced.

Required tools

This module uses the .NET CLI and Visual Studio Code (Windows, Linux, and macOS) to demonstrate ASP.NET Core Razor Pages development. After completing this module, you can apply its concepts using a development environment like Visual Studio (Windows), Visual Studio for Mac (macOS), or Visual Studio Code.


You can skip installing the tools below by using GitHub Codespaces as your IDE. In another browser tab, navigate to the GitHub repository containing the starter app for this module, select the Code button, and create a new codespace on the main branch. For more information, see Create a Codespace.

Alternatively, you can use the Dev Containers extension for Visual Studio Code. With the extension installed, press F1 to open the command pallette, then search for and select Dev Containers: Clone Repository in Container Volume and provide the URL This will clone the repository and open it in a container with all the required tools installed.

The following tools are required:


This module uses the .NET 8.0 SDK. Ensure that you have .NET 8.0 installed by running the following command in your preferred command terminal:

dotnet --list-sdks

Output similar to the following example appears:

6.0.317 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
7.0.401 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
8.0.100 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]

Ensure that a version that starts with 8 is listed. If none is listed or the command isn't found, install the most recent .NET 8.0 SDK.

GitHub CLI

To clone the sample app from GitHub, you'll need the GitHub CLI.

Visual Studio Code

Ensure you have latest versions of Visual Studio Code and the C# Dev Kit installed.