Explore Copilot Studio


Customers are always looking for faster and more precise self-service support options, while businesses aim to satisfy their customers with faster, better customer service. One way organizations can accomplish this objective is with copilots. A bot is a form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that simulates human conversation through a chat interface. Bots listen for keywords and phrases that relate to the library of known, common customer issues (topics) that are stored in the bot. The bot then returns answers quickly and iteratively as the customer continues the chat. The bot continues to check if the customer's question was answered, and then refines its selection of topics to solve the customer's problem.

Copilot Studio empowers teams to easily create powerful copilots using a guided, no-code graphical interface without the need for data scientists or developers. In Copilot Studio, bots are referred to as copilots. Copilots created in Copilot Studio address many of the key issues with bot building in industry today. Copilot Studio eliminates the gap between the subject matter experts and the development teams building the copilots. Copilot Studio so also eliminates the long latency between teams recognizing an issue and updating the copilot to address it. It removes the complexity of exposing teams to the nuances of conversational AI and the need to write complex code. Also, it minimizes the IT effort required to deploy and maintain a custom conversational solution.

Using Copilot Studio helps your organization to:

  • Better empower your teams: Your teams can build copilots without needing intermediaries, coding, or AI expertise.

  • Reduce costs: You can automate common inquiries. Agents then have time to focus on more complex issues.

  • Improve customer satisfaction: Customers have access to an all day, self-help solution to help resolve their issues through comprehensive, personalized copilot conversations.

Let’s look at some highlights of Copilot Studio

  • Get started in seconds: Copilot Studio is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering. It allows you to easily sign-up, create your copilot, and embed it into your website with just a few clicks. There's no infrastructure to maintain or complex systems to deploy.

  • Empower your subject matter experts: Using Copilot Studio, you are in control. Your Subject Matter Experts (SME) can create copilots quickly and easily using a novel, intuitive, code-free graphical interface eliminating the need for AI expertise or teams of developers.

  • Enable rich, natural conversations: Microsoft’s powerful conversational AI capabilities enable your end users to have rich multiturn conversations that quickly guide them to the right solution. And, unlike most products on the market, there's no need to retrain AI models. You just need to provide a few short examples of the topic you want Copilot to manage. Build the conversation using the graphical editor, and your Copilot is ready to manage customer requests. You can even try out your changes in real-time in the test pane.

  • Enable copilots to act: Copilots that can chat with your users are great, but copilots that can act on their behalf are even better. With Copilot Studio, you can easily integrate with services and back-end systems out-of-the-box, or through hundreds of easy-to-add custom connectors using Power Automate. This capability makes it simple to create a copilot that not only responds to the user, but also acts on their behalf.

  • Monitor and improve copilot performance: Copilot Studio lets you keep an eye on how your copilots are performing using powerful metrics and AI-driven dashboards. Easily see which topics are doing well and where the copilot can improve, and quickly adjust to improve performance.

The image shows an example of the analytics available from a bot such as the number of sessions the bot had, resolution rate, and engagement.

Screenshot of the Analytics page in Microsoft Copilot Studio.